TEAL Directory

Kimberly Beck

Kimberly Beck

Graduate Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Sarah Braden

Sarah Braden

Associate Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Marlin Brunson

Marlin Brunson

Graduate Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Shannon Burgin

Shannon Burgin

Advisor/Coordinator of Recruitement

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0377
Office Location: EDUC 379
Jennifer Caines

Jennifer Caines

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2224
Office Location: EDUC 381
Steven Camicia

Steven Camicia

Department Head and Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1517
Office Location: EDUC 385A
Tye Campbell

Tye Campbell

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2597
Office Location: EDUC 397
Bobbi Crabtree

Bobbi Crabtree

Academic Advising Supervisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0383
Office Location: EDUC 383
Marilyn Cuch

Marilyn Cuch

Director of the Undergraduate Secondary Education Program

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-722-1709
Office Location: Vernal, BEERC 221E
Amanda Deliman

Amanda Deliman

Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-4234
Office Location: USU - Salt Lake Center
Jake Downs

Jake Downs

Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0342
Office Location: EDUC 388
Edgar Díaz

Edgar Díaz

Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0386
Office Location: EDUC 377
Heather Ericson

Heather Ericson

Graduate Program Coordinator

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1473
Office Location: EDUC 375
Kayleen Evans

Kayleen Evans

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-623-0537
Office Location: Southwest Region
Parker Fawson

Parker Fawson

EEJ Endowed Chair in Early Education, Director of Center for the School of the Future

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0240
Office Location: ECERC 321
Ashley Fluegel

Ashley Fluegel

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0375
Office Location: EDUC 378
Michelle Frierson

Michelle Frierson

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0828
Office Location: EDUC 398
Sharla Hart

Sharla Hart

Director of Field Experiences

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0958
Office Location: EDUC 330E
Laura Harvey

Laura Harvey


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-3912
Office Location: EDUC 386
Lachelle Hull

Lachelle Hull

Business Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2221
Office Location: EDUC 330B
Cindy Jones

Cindy Jones

Professor and Director of the Literacy Clinic

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-7027
Office Location: ECERC 214
Suzie Jones

Suzie Jones


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1568
Office Location: EDUC 380
Shireen Keyl

Shireen Keyl

Associate Professor, Cultural Studies

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-283-5649
Office Location: USU-Ephraim
Ryan Knowles

Ryan Knowles

Associate Professor, Social Studies Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 573-514-5134
Office Location: EDUC 335
Alyson Lavigne

Alyson Lavigne

Associate Professor, Instructional Leadership

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-4144
Office Location: EDUC 394
Teresa Lemmon

Teresa Lemmon

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-8463
Office Location: Tooele Campus
Max Longhurst

Max Longhurst

Professional Practice Associate Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-7093
Office Location: EDUC 382
Kimberly Lott

Kimberly Lott

Professor, Science Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1103
Office Location: EBLS 241
Marie Lund

Marie Lund

Lecturer, ESL Program

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Office Location: EDUC 337
Sherry Marx

Sherry Marx

Professor, ESL/Multicultural Education/Qualitative Methods

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2227
Office Location: EDUC 341
Jeannie Maughan

Jeannie Maughan

Staff Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0389
Office Location: EDUC 385
Emma Mecham

Emma Mecham

Professional Practice Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-8435
Office Location: EDUC 333
Sandra Miles

Sandra Miles

Graduate Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Tayler Mountford

Tayler Mountford

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-4230
Office Location: Salt Lake
Patricia Moyer-Packenham

Patricia Moyer-Packenham

Professor Emeritus, Mathematics Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Heather Newell

Heather Newell

Lecturer, Instructional Leadership

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-4143
Office Location: EDUC 395
Patrick Ocran

Patrick Ocran

Graduate Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Jason Payne

Jason Payne

Director, Grant Four

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 4345-797-0393
Office Location: EBLS 233
Amy Piotrowski

Amy Piotrowski

Associate Professor, Literacy

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-722-1700
Office Location: Vernal, BEERC 221A
Nicole Pyle

Nicole Pyle

Associate Professor, Adolescent Literacy and Secondary Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0392
Office Location: EDUC 392
Metta Ray

Metta Ray

Business Manager

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0374
Office Location: EDUC 330C
Sylvia Read

Sylvia Read

Professor & Associate Dean

School of Teacher Education & Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2714
Office Location: EDUC 101
Miriam Riding

Miriam Riding

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-613-5124
Office Location: USU - Price Campus, One Stop Student Services
Kessa Roberts

Dr. Kessa Roberts

Assistant Professor, Instructional Leadership

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-3947
Office Location: EDUC 393
Marla Robertson

Marla Robertson

Associate Professor, Literacy

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 940-368-9751
Office Location: USU Uintah Basin-Vernal
Ronen Sebag

Ronen Sebag


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2018
Office Location: EDUC 338
Anita Shuman

Anita Shuman

Assist. Director of Field Experiences

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0371
Office Location: EDUC 330F
Jessica Shumway

Jessica Shumway

Associate Professor and Program Director, Mathematics Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-2501
Office Location: EDUC 399
Maygen Simm

Maygen Simm

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-722-1708
Office Location: Uintah Basin
Mario I. Suárez

Mario I. Suárez

Associate Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0590
Office Location: EDUC 334
Amanda Taggart

Amanda Taggart

Associate Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1474
Office Location: EDUC 396
Shanda Thompson

Shanda Thompson

Academic Advisor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-4198
Office Location: USU - Moab
Colby Tofel-Grehl

Colby Tofel-Grehl

Associate Professor, Science Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-1342
Office Location: EDUC 331
Kathy Trundle

Kathy Trundle

Professor, Elementary Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0195
Office Location: EDUC 384
Rachel Turner

Rachel Turner

Assistant Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-613-5020
Office Location: Price, WIB 239
JC Vazquez

JC Vazquez


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-6399
Office Location: EDUC 376
Katherine Vela

Katherine Vela

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-613-5018
Office Location: Price, WIB 243
Aurora Hughes Villa

Aurora Hughes Villa

BTS Endowed Program Director for Elem. Arts Ed., Professional Practice Assoc. Professor

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0866
Office Location: EBLS 240
Lisa Wallin

Lisa Wallin

Program Assistant

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Phone: 435-797-0391
Office Location: EDUC 373