Sylvia Read

School of Teacher Education & Leadership

Professor & Associate Dean

Sylvia Read

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 101
Phone: 435-797-2714
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, Utah State University, 2000
MS, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois, 1990
BA, English, University of Illinois, 1985


Sylvia Read is associate dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Utah State University. Her degrees are from the University of Illinois and Utah State University. She began teaching at USU in 2003 and received tenure and promotion in 2009 and promotion to full professor in 2017. Her teaching and research focus on effective writing instruction.


Carnegie Professor of the Year, nominee, 2009

Utah State University

Teacher of the Year, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, 2009


Teacher of the Year, North Park Elementary, Cache County School District

William Chandler Bagley Scholar, 1990

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Phi Kappa Phi, 1989

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Phi Beta Kappa, 1985

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Publications | Books

  • Smith, J., Read, S.R, (2009). Early Literacy Instruction: Teaching Reading and Writing in Today’s Primary Grades: K-3, 2nd ed. .
  • Smith, J., Read, S.R, (2005). Early Literacy Instruction: A Comprehensive Framework for Teaching Reading and Writing, K-3. .

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Mohr, K.A, Read, S.R, Jorgensen, A.L, (2015). High expectations: Increasing productivity and complexity in EL writing. : Research and Practice that Makes a Difference in English Learners’ Success.
  • Hruby, G., Read, S.R, Landon-Hays, M., (2011). Tracing Instructional Tensions in the Teaching of English Language Arts:: A Primer. Handbook of Research on Teaching in the English Language Arts, 3rd edition. Routledge/Taylor & Francis. *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Read, S., Spooner, M., (2017). Writing instruction for English learners in a translingual classroom. Journal of English as an International Language, 12:2, 103-118.
  • Read, S.R, Leavitt, A., (2016). Narrowing the discourse possibilities: An examination of second grade curriculum materials for teaching writing. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Yearbook, 38, 103-116.
  • Read, S.R, Lott, K.H, (2015). Map it and then write it! Using graphic organizers for early childhood writing in science. . Science and Children, 53:3, 46-52.
  • Read, S.R, Landon-Hays, M., Martin-Rivas, A., (2014). Gradually Releasing Responsibility to Students Writing Persuasive Text. The Reading Teacher, 67:6, 469-477.
  • Read, S.R, (2014). Inspiration and Emulation: Using Mentor Texts to Teach Poetry Writing. . The Dragon Lode, 31:2, 3-11.
  • Read, S.R, Landon-Hays, M., (2013). The Knowing/Doing Gap: Challenges of Effective Writing Instruction in High School. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 2:2, 6-15.
  • Clark, S.A, Read, S.R, (2012). An Examination of Pre-service Partnerships during a Reading Methods Course: Do they Strengthen Percpetions of Ability?. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education
  • Lott, K.H, Read, S.R, (2012). “Is a mealworm really a worm?”: Promoting better writing and concept formation in science notebooks. Science and Children, 49:5, 32-37.
  • Read, S.R, (2010). A model for scaffolding writing instruction: IMSCI. The Reading Teacher, 64:1, 47-52.
  • Fawson, P.C, Reutzel, D.R, Read, S.R, Smith, J., Moore, S., (2009). The influence of differing the paths to an incentive on third-graders’ reading achievement and attitudes. . Reading Psychology, 30:6, 564-583.
  • Reutzel, D.R, Read, S.R, Fawson, P.C, (2009). Using information trade books as models for teaching expository text structure to improve children’s reading comprehension: An action research project. Journal of Reading Education, 35:1, 31-38.
  • Read, S.R, (2008). Becoming teachers of writing: Evaluating the language arts methods course. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8:3, 119-129.
  • Read, S.R, Reutzel, D.R, Fawson, P.C, (2008). Do you want to know what I learned? Using informational trade books as models to teach text structure. Early Childhood Education Journal36, 213-219.
  • Read, S.R, Sorenson, B., (2007). Interactive read-aloud with informational books. The Utah Journal of Reading and Literacy, 11:1, 15-22.
  • Read, S.R, (2007). Judging the accuracy of multicultural historical fiction: Guidelines for teachers. The Dragon Lode: The Journal of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association, 25:2, 13-19.
  • Read, S.R, (2005). First- and second-graders writing information text. The Reading Teacher, 59:1, 36-44.
  • Read, S.R, (2005). Nonlinear nonfiction writing and the I-chart: Scaffolding for success. 2005 . College Reading Association Yearbook27, 170-181.
  • Read, S.R, (2004). Young children as researchers: A close look at the reading process. International Journal of Learning, 11, 301-307.

Professional Journal

  • Reutzel, D.R, Dole, J.A, Read, S.R, Fawson, P.C, Herman, K., Jones, C.D, Sudweeks, R., Fargo, J., (2011). Conceptually and methodologically vexing issues in teacher knowledge assessment.. Reading & Writing Quarterly.27, 1-30.
  • Camicia, S.P, Read, S.R, (2011). Engaging public Issues through dialogue journals: Preservice teachers and elementary students read and respond. Social Studies Research and Practice, 5:1, 21-34.
  • Wilson, S., Avery, C., Ford, K., Hancock, M., Read, S.R, Stephens, E.C, Young, T.A, (2007). The 2007 Orbis Pictus award winner and other outstanding nonfiction books. Language Arts, 85:2, 164-170. *
  • Read, S.R, (2006). Tapping into students’ motivation: Lessons from adolescents’ blogs. Voices from the Middle, 14:2, 38-46.
  • Wilson, S., Avery, C., Ford, K., Hancock, M., Louie, B.Y, Read, S.R, Stephens, E.C, (2006). The 2006 Orbis Pictus award winner and other outstanding nonfiction books. Language Arts, 84:2, 198-204. *
  • Read, S.R, (2005). The writing moment, or, a little writing theory can make all the difference. Arizona English Bulletin, 47:2, 57-60.
  • Read, S.R, (2001). “Kid mice hunt for their selfs:” First and second graders writing research. Language Arts, 78:4, 333-342.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other


  • Read, S.R, (2007). Words, words, words: Children’s books featuring words. TOP: Tips on Parenting *
  • Read, S.R, (2006). Math in books for children. TOP: Tips on Parenting *
  • Read, S.R, (2006). Reading aloud easy chapter books. TOP: Tips on Parenting *
  • Read, S.R, (2006). The natural world in children’s books. TOP: Tips on Parenting *
  • Read, S.R, (2005). And the award goes to.... Tips on Parenting *
  • Read, S.R, (2005). True stories, real lives, compelling stories: Biographies for children. TOP: Tips on Parenting *


  • Read, S.R, (2004). Reading Nonfiction with Children. RoughDraft, Weber County Public Library
  • Read, S.R, (2004). Wow! I didn’t know that. Deseret News

Miscellaneous Extension

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts (CI), Fall 2020
    ELED 5105, 5106 - Motivation and Classroom Management, Spring 2020
    ELED 5105 - Motivation and Classroom Management, Fall 2019
    SCED 5100 - Motivation and Classroom Management, Fall 2019
    TEAL 5630 - Study Abroad Student Teaching, Spring 2019
    ELED 4032 - Teaching Language Arts Practicum, Spring 2019
    TEAL 5560 - Special Topics, Fall 2018
    TEAL 5560 - Special Topics, Fall 2018
    TEAL 5630 - Study Abroad Student Teaching, Fall 2018
    TEAL 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics in Teacher Education and Leadership, Summer 2018
    TEAL 5560 - Special Topics, Spring 2018
    TEAL 5630 - Study Abroad Student Teaching, Spring 2018
    TEAL 5630 - Study Abroad Student Teaching, Spring 2018
    TEAL 6390 - Teaching with Literature and Informational Texts, Summer 2017
    TEAL 6320 - Theories and Models of Literacy, Summer 2017
    TEAL 6390 - Teaching with Literature and Informational Texts, Fall 2016
    TEAL 6980 - Portfolio Project, Summer 2016
    TEAL 6390 - Teaching with Literature and Informational Texts, Summer 2016
    TEAL 6320 - Theories and Models of Literacy, Summer 2016
    TEAL 6320 - Theories and Models of Literacy, Summer 2016
    ELED 4040 - Assessment and Instruction for Struggling Readers, Spring 2016
    SCED 5800 - Secondary School Internship, Spring 2016
    SCED 5800 - Secondary School Internship, Fall 2015
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Fall 2015
    TEAL 6390 - Teaching with Tradebooks in the Elementary and Middle Level Classroom, Spring 2015
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Fall 2014
    TEAL 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Summer 2014
    TEAL 6250 - Graduate Cooperative Work Experience, Summer 2014
    TEAL 6900 - Independent Study, Summer 2014
    TEAL 6900 - Independent Study, Summer 2014
    TEAL 7900 - Independent Study, Summer 2014
    TEAL 7540 - College Teaching Apprenticeship, Spring 2014
    TEAL 7900 - Independent Study, Spring 2014
    TEAL 7900 - Independent Study, Spring 2014
    TEAL 6960 - Masters Creative Project, Spring 2014
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Spring 2014
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Fall 2013
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Fall 2013
    TEAL 6380 - Effective Writing Instruction, Summer 2013
    EDUC 7670 - Literature Reviews in Education and Psychology, Summer 2013
    TEAL 6960 - Masters Creative Project, Spring 2013
    SCED 5900 - Independent Study, Spring 2012
    ELED 4900 - Senior Project, Spring 2012
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Spring 2012
    ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III, Fall 2011
    EDUC 7670 - Literature Reviews in Education and Psychology, Summer 2011
    ELED 4030 - TCH LANG/PRACT III (CI), Spring 2011

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Toni Asay, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2006 - December 2018
    Laura Reina, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2017 - May 2018
    Joseph Anson, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2012 - May 2017
    Robin Parent, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2010 - August 2014
    Kurt Johnson, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2008 - July 2014
    Melanie Landon-Hays, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2008 - October 2012
    Dee Murray, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2006 - July 2012
    Marlies Burns, Teacher Education & Leadership, June 2006 - June 2012
    Jean McPherron, Teacher Education & Leadership, July 2004 - July 2010