Kimberly Beck

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Graduate Assistant

Kimberly Beck

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Educational Background

Working as a TEAL Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) and as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) provides opportunities that would not otherwise be accessible to doctoral students. I have had the privilege of working alongside veteran researchers and professors to learn about the academic profession more deeply and holistically. I have also had the opportunity to teach courses, present at regional and national conferences, and publish articles related to my work as a graduate assistant. As part of my work as a GRA, I was able to present my own research at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics conference in Los Angeles, California. This opportunity was invaluable in allowing me to network with other like-minded professionals in mathematics education and begin to carve my own path in the field.


• Research interests: Linking other content areas with mathematics through Expansive Framing • Teaching interests: ELED 4062 Teaching Elementary School Mathematics II: Number, Operations, and Algebraic Reasoning • Concentration area: Mathematics Education and Leadership • Faculty mentors: Jessica Shumway (advisor) and Michelle Frierson (supervisor)


• Supporting Rural Paraprofessional Educators and their Students with Computer Science Professional Learning and Expansively Framed Curriculum: Research Assistant • Expansively Framing Computer Science and Mathematics: A Case Study of a Paraprofessional • Educator and Classroom Teachers’ Integrated and Cross-Curricular Teaching: Lead Researcher