Marlin Brunson

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Graduate Assistant

Marlin Brunson

Contact Information

Additional Information:

Educational Background

As a TEAL Graduate Research Assistant and a TEAL Graduate Teaching Assistant, I am surrounded by opportunities to interact with emergent data, refine my pedagogical practices, and start my publication journey. Being a GA is an incredible chance to work closely with experienced professionals and acquire essential skills that will follow me into future research and teaching endeavors.


Research Interests: Optimizing School Subjects, Inclusivity, Educational Complexity; Teaching Interests: SCED 5820/SCED 5821 - Science Teaching Methods I and II (Tyler Hansen, mentor); Concentration area: Cultural Studies Education; Faculty mentor: Dr. Colby Tofel-Grehl


Secondary Science Teaching Methods, Classroom Management, Assessments; Projects: ESTICH, Research Assistant (PI: Dr. Colby Tofel-Grehl)