CEHS P & T Responsibilities



  • Develop materials needed for e-dossier
  • Upload all needed documents into e-dossier (generally completed at least 2 weeks [10 business days] prior to committee meeting)
  • Coordinate with Department Head to ensure meeting and ombudsperson are scheduled in a timely manner
  • Coordinate with Department Head to ensure signed role statement is completed each year


  • Review all materials in e-dossier prior to annual meeting
  • Complete review letter in a timely manner
    • Chair drafts letter
    • Committee reviews letter and provides feedback to chair
    • Chair finalizes letters and arranges to be sent for electronic signatures, including ombudsperson; chair ensures college e-dossier administrator receives a copy of the final letter 
  • At request of the candidate, may provide feedback on e-dossier materials prior to the candidate finalizing and uploading materials; remember that materials are ultimately the responsibility of the candidate
  • In the year a candidate is “going up,” responds to requests from Department Head regarding external reviewers as well as materials and letter sent to external reviewers

Department Head

  • Helps candidate understand P&T process
  • Facilitates P&T committee formation and chair selection
  • Works with P&T committee chair and candidate to ensure P&T meetings are scheduled and an ombudsperson will be present
  • Reviews all materials in e-dossier
  • Meets with each candidate to review the content of the DH letter and review progress towards tenure/promotion
  • Completes review letter in a timely manner and ensures college e-dossier admin receives a copy of the final letter
  • In the year a candidate is “going up”
    • Solicits from candidate list of possible external reviewers
    • Consults with committee regarding final list of external reviewers
    • Consults with committee and candidate regarding letter that will be sent to external reviewers
    • Solicits external reviews prior to September 15th
    • Follows-up on external reviews to ensure all are received back in a timely manner.
    • Provides copies of external review letters (and bio/CV of reviewers) to college e-dossier admin to upload


  • In years 3 and 6 (or year “going up” for promotion-only candidates) reviews materials in e-dossier and completes review letter in a timely manner

Additional information on External Peer Reviews

  • Solicited prior to September 15th
    • In practice, do this much earlier (e.g., solicit mid-July; send materials throughout August to early September)
  • Need at least 4 (rank the same or higher than candidate)
  • Candidate submits names and states acquaintance with each
    • Recommend asking candidate for 10-15 names
    • Candidate can also submit names of people candidate does not want ask (although code says this is not binding)
  • Department Head and committee “mutually agree” on who will be asked; at least one half of reviewers must be from candidate’s list
  • “Pertinent information” in file is sent to reviewers
    • For research faculty this is generally CV, self-assessment, role statement, and 3-4 publications
  • Cover letter drafted by DH and mutually agreed on by DH, committee, candidate is sent with materials
  • External reviewers must evaluate primary area of role statement; can be asked to evaluate secondary area if DH, TAC, and candidate all agree

Example timelines (based on going up Fall 2020)

For Department Head

  • Late Spring/early Summer 2020
    • DH asks candidate for list of possible reviewers
    • DH and committee decide on list of who will be asked (candidate is not involved in these discussions and is not told of who is asked)
      • Suggest rank-ordered list so DH can just go to next name on list when a ”no” or non-response is given
  • Mid-Summer 2020
    • DH e-mails possible external reviewers to get 4 reviewers lined up
    • DH, committee, and candidate agree on letter that will be sent to reviewers and if secondary area will be reviewed
  • Mid-Summer/very early September
    • DH sends candidate materials to external reviewers

For Candidate

  • Spring 2020 – work on putting together list of possible external reviewers
  • Spring 2020/Summer 2020 – work on finalizing CV and self-assessment (and any other materials to send to reviewers)
  • Fall 2020 – get all remaining materials completed and into e-dossier
    • Materials should be in e-dossier at least 2 weeks before meeting
  • Materials should not change after they are submitted for external review