Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Organizational Structure

CEHS Organizational Chart

  • Beth E. Foley - Dean, Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
    • Assistants
      • Kim Doyle - Assistant to the Dean
      • Kathy Clements - Financial Officer
    • Associate Deans
      • Jamison Fargo - Executive Associate Dean
      • Shelley Lindauer - Executive Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
      • Francine Johnson - Associate Dean for Graduation, Educator Licensing & Accreditation
      • Sylvia Read - Associate Dean for Teacher Education
      • Gretchen Peacock - Associate Dean for Clinical Programs
      • Shawn Whiteman - Interim Associate Dean for Research
    • Department Heads
      • Karen Muñoz - Head, Communicative Disorders & Deaf Education
      • Scot Allgood - Head, Human Development & Family Studies
      • Eadric Bressel - Head, Kinesiology & Health Science
      • Andrew Walker - Head, Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences
      • Carma Miller - Head, Nursing & Health Professions
      • Scott Bates - Head, Psychology
      • Kathy Cabe Trundle - Head, School of Teacher Education & Leadership
      • Thomas Higbee - Interim Head, Special Education & Rehabilitation
    • Directors
      • Gretchen Peacock - Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence
      • Matthew Wappett - Executive Director, Center for Persons with Disabilities
      • Lance Beckert - Executive Director of Development
      • John Cockett - Director of Technology
      • Parker Fawson, Director - Director, Center for the School of the Future
      • Nathan Smith - Director, Adele & Dale Young Education Technology Center (YETC)
      • Nathan Justis - Principal, Edith Bowen Laboratory School