USU College of Education and Human Services Methods Course Offerings

College of Education and Human Services (EDUC)
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
EDUC 6010 Introduction to Program Evaluation Alternative approaches and practical guidelines for conducting evaluation studies. Through case studies and simulations, addresses impact of social, political, and ethical issues on evaluation. Fall None
EDUC 6040 Applied Research Methods Applied introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and designs used in educational, social and health sciences. Coverage of research ethics, literature searches and critiques, components of research studies, reliability and validity, APA format, and communication of research results. Fall None
EDUC 6050 Applied Statistical Analysis This is an applied introduction to statistical methods commonly used in educational, social, and health sciences. The course covers data types, database creation, and data exploration and visualization. It also includes the use of statistical software to compute descriptive and inferential statistics including correlation, regression, group comparisons (t-tests, ANOVA), and categorical methods. Spring, Summer None
EDUC 6570 Introduction to Educational and Psychological Research This course provides an introduction to research methods, including identification of a research problem, review and evaluation of research literature, and design and implementation of a research project. Fall, Spring, Summer None
EDUC 6600 Statistical Foundations This course covers research design and statistical concepts for research in education, human services, and psychology, with an emphasis on the selection and interpretation of statistical analyses. Fall, Spring 70% or better on 6600 exam (see this website for more details) and EDUC 6570/PSY 6560 or equivalent course (co- or pre-requisite)
EDUC 6770 Qualitative Research Methods This is an introduction to qualitative research including foundations, research designs and strategies of inquiry (case studies, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, biographical, historical, participative inquiry), sampling, fieldwork and data collection, and analysis. Fall, Spring EDUC 6570/PSY 6560 or equivalent course
EDUC 6800 Mixed Methods Students learn design and analysis of mixed methods research studies in education and human services. Emphasis on examining epistemological and philosophical issues, sampling, data collection, alternative designs, multiple mixed methods research models, analytic techniques, and relationships among research design, theory, and epistemology. Spring EDUC/PSY 6600 and EDUC 6770
EDUC 7610  Regression Analysis This course is an advanced treatment of research design and statistical concepts and issues in educational, human services, and psychological research. Fall, Spring EDUC/PSY 6600
EDUC 7670 Literature Reviews in Education and Psychology Advanced concepts in designing, writing, and critiquing literature reviews Spring (odd years) EDUC/PSY 6600
EDUC 7700 Grant Writing Students learn to identify funding sources, select strategies for seeking resources, and write proposals for research, development, training, and service activities in education, psychology, and related fields. Spring (even years) EDUC 6570/PSY 6560 or equivalent course
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites  
PSY 6330

Principles of Psychological Measurement and Test Theory

This course covers psychological test and measurement theories, including statistical theories for defining reliability and validity. It also discusses the application of psychometric theory to psychological scale development and evaluation.

Variable EDUC/PSY 6600  
PSY 6560 Introduction to Psychological Research

This course provides an introduction to research methods, including identification of a research problem, review and evaluation of research literature, and design and implementation of a research project.

Fall None  
PSY 6600(see also EDUC 6600) Statistical Foundations

This course covers research design and statistical concepts for research in education, human services, and psychology, with an emphasis on the selection and interpretation of statistical analyses. 

Fall, Spring 70% or better on 6600 exam (see this website for more details) and EDUC 6570/PSY 6560 or equivalent course (co- or pre-requisite)  
PSY 7610 (see also EDUC 7610) Regression Analysis This course is an advanced treatment of research design and statistical concepts and issues in educational, human services, and psychological research. Fall, Spring EDUC/PSY 6600  
PSY 7650 Multilevel and Marginal Models for the Social Sciences Coverage of multilevel (i.e., mixed-effects, hierarchical linear), and marginal (GEE) models for both continuous and categorical outcomes. Includes application of these methods to many types of cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs (e.g., experimental, case-control, cohort, cross-over, complex sample, randomized controlled trials). Fall EDUC/PSY 7610  
PSY 7760 Structural equation modeling This course covers matrix algebra, path analysis, statistical mediation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, latent variable structural equation modeling, the analysis of multiple groups, and statistical power analysis. Fall EDUC/PSY 7610  
PSY 7770 Longitudinal data analysis This course covers various statistical models for repeated measures data, including, longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis, state trait models, autoregressive/cross-lagged models, change score models, growth curve models, dynamic structural equation modeling with applications in the Mplus software, and missing data. Spring (odd years) PSY 7760  
Human Development and Family Studies
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
HDFS 6031 Research Methodology This course provides an overview of methods for studying family relations and human development, including sampling, measurement, research design, and data analyses/interpretations. Fall  
HDFS 7032 Multivariate Data Analysis in Human Development and Family Studies This course provides an introduction to common multivariate statistical analyses and the statistical software used to conduct them, with an emphasis on applications of these approaches in family and developmental sciences. Spring EDUC/PSY 7610
HDFS 7033 Dyadic and Longitudinal Data Students come to understand concepts related to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). Emphasis is on understanding and applying methods of working with dyadic and longitudinal data. Students specify their models and analyze data using related software.   Fall (odd years) EDUC/PSY 7610
HDFS 7034 Extant/Secondary Data Analysis In this coursre, students learn to locate and download secondary data sets, use codebooks to identify variables, select subpopulations of participants from extant data sets, and select variables from extant data. Fall (even years) EDUC/PSY 7610
HDFS 7200 Special Topics: Meta Analysis Provides students with: (1) the ability to understand and critically evaluate published literature reviews and meta-analyses; (2) the skills necessary to conduct publishable literature reviews and meta-analytic reviews; and (3) the foundations upon which to learn more advanced meta-analytic techniques. Variable  
Special Education and Rehabilitation
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
SPED 6700 Introduction to Behavioral Research in Education Provides an introduction to behavioral research in education, with a special focus on measurement, observation, and ethics. Discussion of basic single-subject experimental designs. Exploration of how to select appropriate measures and experimental designs. Fall  
SPED 7700 Single-Subject Research Methods and Designs Examines single-subject research methods for applied research, including measurement, design, and analysis issues Fall SPED 6700 or instructor permission
Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
COMD 6230 Introduction to Research in Communicative Disorders Introduction to experimental research designs, including educational research and development, causal-comparative, correlational, and qualitative research. Includes research reviews, research proposals, threats to internal and external validity, and statistical/practical significance. Fall  
Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
ITLS 7350 Ethnography This course covers advanced research methods in ethnography. Students conceptualize questions about the world in addition to collecting methods for doing research, and engage with both the “looking” and “seeing” aspects of ethnography. Fall (even years)  
ITLS 7340

Building Community Partnerships in Research Contexts

This course covers the cultivation of authentic, equitable, and sustainable partnerships across all lines of research inquiry. Students explore foundational theories and critical considerations of partnership building and learn practical skills for sharing this work through publications, presentations, and community outputs.

Spring (odd years)  

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Number Title Description/Topics Offered Prerequisites
TEAL 7547

Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research

An introduction to some key critical social theories that are current and useful in qualitative research in the social sciences, including education. By the end of this class, you will have a clear understanding of 1) how critical social theories shape understanding of phenomena, 2) how social theories are used in qualitative research analysis, 3) how social theories can work together, and 4) how social theories shape research methodologies and representation.

Spring EDUC 6770
TEAL 7546

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis focuses on advanced theories and methods of qualitative data analysis. Designed for the doctoral studies level, students will develop data analysis skills related to different methodological approaches (e.g., narrative inquiry, ethnography, grounded theory, etc.). Methods of qualitative data analysis such as memoing, transcribing, coding, comparing and contrasting, isolating patterns, and developing themes will be addressed. Students will work with a variety of data sources such as audio and video recordings, field notes, transcripts, documents, and artifacts. Data sources will derive from online or naturalistic settings.

Fall EDUC 6770