
Target Audience: Early Middle School Students

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Link: www.quandarygame.org/

"Quandary is an online ethics game (and app) that teaches students how to gather and evaluate information to make better decisions. Students play the captain of a human space colony on Planet Braxos and must solve four difficult challenges. They do this by consulting colonists and choosing a solution that's likely to be most beneficial, such as whether to force a private well owner to share his water when the community well becomes polluted. Each challenge takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Students first view a comic introducing the problem facing the colony. Once in the game, they listen to or read colonists' positions on the issue and categorize the positions as facts, opinions, or solutions based on what they know about the person and the issue. Eventually, the student must isolate two possible solutions, learn the colonists' positions on those solutions, and possibly attempt to change minds on the issue using facts. As captain, you decide which solution to pursue and present that to the Colonial Council, along with the best arguments for and against the solution. The Council comes back to you with their decision, which usually includes some amount of compromise. Then players determine which of the colonists will agree and disagree with the Council's decision. An ending comic then wraps up the story, showing how students have shaped the future of their space colony. If players use the tablet app, they can also create their own colonists and set up different quandaries with the Character Creator tool." (source)