Curiosity Machine

Target Audience: Students of All Ages


Are your students curious and want to feel like a real engineers? Then Curiosity Machine is the perfect source for your classroom! It’s goal is to connect scientists, engineers, and children to help each other in creating great things. 


Curiosity Machine gives students real-life engineering experience in hands-on design challenges. 80+ challenges are available for students to try their hand at solving. Students will come up with ideas, learn from mistakes, redesign, and fix problems. All these steps leading up to them discovering their own solutions.

Many of the challenges and experiences are based on Curiosity Machine’s featured videos. These exciting and inspiring videos are of cutting-edge inventions and explanations by the scientists and engineers behind them.

What makes Curiosity Machine even more exciting is that users can receive mentor feedback and tips from real-life scientists and engineers! 


​​The website also has a tab specifically for educators that provides resources, lesson plans, and ideas to use. “With the engineering design process as a guide, your students will plan, build, and test their designs. They’ll document each step on Curiosity Machine, where you can create groups and add your students to see their progress.”

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