The Louvre Museum

Target Audience: All Ages


This website allows you take a virtual tour of one of the world's finest art museums - The Louvre in Paris, France.

​There are also great 
Teacher Resources 
​available on the Louvre Museum website. Some new sections are available for free on the website to help you prepare and follow up your visit, or for use in your classroom. These new modules are designed for educational purposes, to encourage young people’s interest in art and civilizations. 

Page for Teachers:



​Use The Louvre Museum website in your classroom or at home with your children. They have options for all ages to explore and better understand art. For example, the Tales of the Museum Workshop, children get the chance to merge art and technology together to learn from the 1st director of the Louvre Museum Dominique- Vivant Denon about the art treasures he has in this room.

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