Art Tutorial Wiki

Target Audience:  K - Adult



Art Tutorial Wiki – Catering to everything an artist needs to know!
Is drawing one of those talents you wish you had? If it is, then check out Art Tutorials Wiki. “This wiki strives to serve as a central repository for tutorials on all kinds of art, ranging from traditional techniques to digital art. In addition to tutorials custom-created by other users for this site, it also maintains exhaustive link lists for off-site tutorials.”
This wiki contains hundreds of step-by-step tutorials on how to draw almost anything. Some categories include anatomy, people, creatures, digital art, fantasy, maps, nature, comics, and much more; and that was just the icing on the cake.

However, if art is one of those talents you are lucky enough to have, you can share your knowledge by adding a tutorial about something you can create. The creator of the wiki wrote, “This page obviously only represents a small sampling of possible categories for art-related tutorials. However, this also represents the limit of my own knowledge of the field - but my limits shouldn’t impede the growth of the wiki. Thus, if you are competent in one or more subjects not listed here, please add new pages and new tutorials about these subjects to the wiki - this is the only way the wiki can surpass my own limitations and become universally useful.” - by Sarah Zabriskie

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