Statistical Studio
About Us
The Statistical Consulting Studio provides support to CEHS faculty and graduate student in the form of individualized appointments, small group training, and methodological workshops. Ideally, assistance begins early in research planning and study design with advice regarding power analysis, sampling issues, and data management. Guidance is available for identifying appropriate quantitative analysis, implementation of statistical tests, interpretation of results, and generating graphical displays. A wide range of software is supported, including SPSS, R, G*Power, and Mplus. Consultants may also review methods and results sections of publications and grants.
Eligibility & Scope
Faculty and graduate students from the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services are eligible to receive methodological and statistical consulting assistance from the Stat Studio. This service is provided for free as a benefit to the faculty and graduate students for up to 10 hours per semester. The vast majority of consultations can be concluded within this timeframe. Situations requiring longer-term consultations will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis with the client and the director of the Stat Studio in conjunction with the Associate Dean for Research. The Stat Studio does not provide consultation for course-related projects or tutoring.
Available Services
Location: Education Building 455Phone: 797-0169
We are open year-round (except University holidays).
Book meetings through the appointment manager. You can also email or call to request for additional availability.
Our Staff
Sarah Schwartz Director, head consultant Research Assistant Professor Psychology Department PhD in Statistics |
Liam O'Neil Human Development and Family Studies Department |
For Faculty and Research Staff
Stat Studio will provide assistance in research planning and study design, offer methodological and analytical advice, assist with the interpretation of results, run power and statistical analyses, generate graphical data displays, and review the methods and results sections of publications and grants.
For Graduate Students
Stat Studio will provide assistance with research planning and study design issues, as well as offer methodological and analytical advice, and assist with the interpretation of results, but will not conduct statistical analyses for student research.
For Undergraduate Students
Stat Studio will provide the same assistance that is available for graduate students, but only for Honors or Senior Thesis projects.
Examples of Available Services
- Data management advice
- Providing advice on developing surveys, rating scales, and tests
- Guidance on sampling issues
- Identifying the appropriate statistical test(s) for a research question
- Assistance with interpreting statistical output
Unavailable Services
- Data entry, cleaning, or validation
- Statistical tutoring for coursework
- Computer, non-statistical software, or word processing support