Graduate Certificate in Advanced Research Methods and Analysis – Quantitative

The Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) is pleased to provide the opportunity for Utah State University graduate students to receive a post-baccalaureate Certificate in Advanced Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) – Quantitative.

This certificate requires completion of five courses (15 credits) in advanced statistics and methodology courses offered in the CEHS (eligible courses are listed in the table below). Students must earn a grade of B (3.0) or higher in each course to be used toward certificate completion.

Required Courses (6 Credit Hours)
EDUC/PSY 6600: Statistical Foundations
EDUC/PSY 7610: Regression Analysis
Elective Courses (9 Credit Hours minimum)
PSY 7070: Advanced Measurement Theories and Practice
PSY 7650: Multilevel and Marginal Models for the Social Sciences
PSY 7760: Structural Equation Modeling
PSY 7770: Longitudinal Data Analysis
SPED 7700: Single-Subject Research Methods and Designs
HDFS 7032: Multivariate Data Analysis in Human Development and Family Studies
HDFS 7033: Dyadic and Longitudinal Data
HDFS 7034: Extant/Secondary Data Analysis
HDFS 7200: Special Topics – Meta Analysis

To apply for the certification, please email an application packet (in one PDF document entitled “[Your Name] - CARMA Application”) with “CARMA Application” in the subject line to the CEHS Associate Dean for Research that includes: (a) a cover page listing your name, A#, official USU email, and department; (b) a 250-500 word personal statement describing how this certificate fits within your training objectives; (c) a copy of your plan of study which includes the required and elective training courses; and (d) an unofficial transcript. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Questions about the certificate or application process can be sent to the CEHS Associate Dean for Research and should include CARMA questions in the subject line.