CEHS Scholarship Awards Thank-you Letter

Please fill out the form below to submit your thank-you letter.

Step 1. Select your scholarship

You have selected: “{{awardSelected.awardSpringName}}”.

If you refer to your award by name in your letter, please call it the “{{awardSelected.scholarshipName}}”.

Step 2. Write your letter

{{ letterCount }} words used. Your letter must be 130-250 words.

Your letter must be between 130–250 words. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Thank the donor for their generosity in providing this scholarship. Please do not include the specific amount you have been awarded.
  2. Consider the following questions as you write your letter: What are you studying? What are your research interests and career goals? How has this scholarship made a difference to your family, your studies, or your goals? How will your education influence your future? How will you use your education to benefit others?

Step 3. Upload a photo

Recipients are required to provide a photo. Your photo will only be used for the purpose of thanking donors.

Please upload a high resolution photo as a .jpg or .png. Your photo should not include other people and should clearly show your face (without being cropped too close). Below are examples of acceptable photos.

If you have a confidentiality restriction on your Banner account, you are not required to submit a photo. Please copy the content of your letter from above and email it directly to Amber Summers-Graham: amber.summers@usu.edu. Include your full name and A Number.

Step 4. Confirm and submit.

Your name listed in the letter is {{ studentName }}