CEHS Graduation Information
To apply for graduation, you must:
Be Eligible to Apply for Graduation
Find out more about eligibility requirements.
Complete the Graduating Student Survey
Fill Out the Online Graduation Application
Your major must be correct for the Graduation Office to accept your request. Enter your A-Number in the box at the bottom of the graduation page after completing survey.
Take Care of Outstanding Requirements
Your advisor will contact you if an appointment is needed to identify any outstanding requirements and to plan out the remaining semester(s) of your degree.
Dual Major Process
If you are a dual major, you will need to complete the online application twice, once for each major.
Yearly Application Deadlines
Fall Semester - October 31
Spring Semester - February 28*
Summer Semester - July 15
These are firm deadlines, so students who submit their completed graduation packet after the posted dates above will graduate the following semester.
* If you want to graduate in May and walk at the commencement ceremony you must submit your application by February 28.