Assessment Plan

Direct Evidence:

  1. Embedded competency assignments in COMD 6230 – Intro to Research in Communicative Disorders
    1. Understand key concepts related to basic and applied research
    2. Know the ethical issues underlying research with human subjects
    3. Describe the characteristics, strengths and limitations of various types of research designs
    4. Assess the validity and reliability of behavioral measures
    5. Review the quality of research studies
  2. Thesis defense: Successfully pass defense with a mastery rating on a rubric as low, mid, or high
Low Mid High

Incomplete underlying theoretical principles and hypotheses

Appropriate underlying theoretical principles and hypotheses

Well defined underlying theoretical principles and hypotheses

Methodology yields minimal data appropriate for answering the research questions

Acceptable methodology that yields data appropriate for answering the research questions

Well-developed and creative methodology that yields complex data appropriate for answering the research questions

Contains basic analyses of data

Contains appropriate analyses of data

Contains complex analyses of data

Discussion of the methodological and theoretical implications of the analyses is lacking in detail.

Acceptable discussion of the methodological and theoretical implications of the analyses

Complex and creative discussion of the methodological and theoretical implications of the analyses

Indirect Evidence:

  1. Student, advisor, and instructor feedback from informal and formal sources
  2. Upon graduation, continued study or employment in a field related to communication sciences