Course Sequence

2nd Bachelor’s in ComDDE Online

Course Sequence

Below is the recommended sequence for COMD courses.

Every semester
, consult with your academic advisor to be assured you have the correct courses in the correct sequence and matched to your individual program of study.

  • Degree-seeking students take a minimum of 12 COMD courses: 11 required courses and at least one 3-credit Options course
  • Degree-seeking students must also meet the Breadth American Institutions (BAI) requirement
  • COMD required courses should be taken in the sequence listed
  • All required courses are typically taught online every semester
  • Options online courses vary by semester of availability
  • Students may take more options courses based on their educational interests and career plans
  • Students cannot take prerequisites concurrently with courses that require them
  • All required and options COMD courses must be taken for a letter grade (not Pass/D+, D, F)
  • A minimum grade of C is required for all COMD courses and prerequisites
  • COMDDE students must have an overall GPA of 3.0  in order to register for the next semester. See COMDDE Policies for failure to meet GPA requirements.
  • COMD courses are only open to students in the major unless specified as OM (Open Major)
  • To get your current textbook list go to the USU Bookstore.

Contact the Advisor

Brynne Davies

Brynne Davies

Academic Advisor/Online Second Bachelor's Degree

Phone: 435-797-2460
Office Location: Lillywhite 144
Schedule an Appointment

COMD 2600 Introduction to Communicative Disorders (OM) 3  
COMD 3200 Child Language Development 3  
COMD 3500 Phonetics and Phonological Development (OM) 3  
COMD 3800 Anatomy & Physiology of Speech and Hearing 3  
COMD 3600 Language Science 3  
COMD 4450 Developmental Communication Disorders 3 COMD 3200
COMD 4500 Acquired Communication Disorders 3 COMD 3100 or 3800
COMD 4700 Basic Audiology 3 COMD 3400 or 3800
COMD 4200 Clinical Methods 3 COMD 3200
COMD 5070 Acoustics of Speech & Hearing 3

COMD 3500 and 3800
(or COMD 3500 and 3400)

COMD 5330 Aural Rehabilitation 3 COMD 3400 or 3800
Options course Choose from 1 COMD Options course below varies  
COMD 3010 American Sign Language I (OM)    3  
COMD 3120 Management of Speech Sounds Disorders 3 COMD 3200 and 3500
COMD 3910 American Sign Language II 4 COMD 3010
COMD 4780 Deaf Culture 3 COMD 3010
COMD 5210 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Communicative Disorders (OM) 3  
COMD 5240 Neural Bases of Cognition and Communication (OM) 3 COMD 3100 or 3800

COMDDE Syllabi

For past and current syllabi for all COMDDE courses, go to USU Canvas Course Syllabus Tracker. Enter the following:

  • Term = your choice
  • College = EEJ Education & Human Service
  • Department = Comm Disorders & Deaf Ed
  • Delivery Method = All Delivery Methods
  • Campus = All Campuses
  • Click on Blue Button “Open Direct Link Course Syllabus List”
  • Select and click on desired course

Additional Related Courses

We offer additional courses that may benefit you, depending on your future career path, and may be required for certain graduate schools. For SLP graduate school, ASHA requires one course in each of the following four areas: statistics*, biological science, physical science, and social/behavioral science. If you have not had these courses in your first bachelor’s degree, you are strongly encouraged to take them now. Please check with your advisor as you plan your coursework. Some of these non-COMD courses may not be taught every semester. For more information, see a complete list of online courses available at USU.

  • Introduction to Statistics, STAT 1040, 3 credits  OR  Introduction to Statistics with Elements of Algebra, STAT 1045, 5 credits
  • Introduction to Biology, BIOL 1010, 3 credits
  • Human Anatomy, BIOL 2320, 4 credits  OR  Human Physiology, BIOL 2420, 4 credits
  • Intro to Chemistry, CHEM 1010, 3 credits  OR  Intro to Physics by Hands-on-Exploration, PHYS 1200, 5 credits  
  • General Psychology, PSY 1010, 3 credits
  • Development Across the Lifespan, HDFS 1500, 3 credits
  • Education of Exceptional Individuals, SPED 4000, 3 credits

*If it has been more than one year since you have completed the prerequisite math course, taking Statistics through USU will require a completion of a math placement exam.