School-Age Language Lab

About the Lab

The School-age Language Intervention Lab is headed by Dr. Teresa Ukrainetz. Over the years, Dr. Ukrainetz has investigated norm-referenced tests, dynamic assessment, phonemic awareness intervention, narrative development and intervention, expository intervention, and the role of the school SLP. Dr. Ukrainetz uses varied methods of investigation, including group experimental, single-case experimental, descriptive and qualitative designs – but almost always conducted within the busy life of schools. Her work is driven by the need for simple effective interventions that tap the distinctive expertise of SLPs and that can be implemented “in the wild” by school SLPs. Dr. Ukrainetz’s work has appeared in research journals, such as Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research and Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. She has authored two books on school-age language intervention for graduate students and SLPs.

Dr. Ukrainetz’s current research involves developing SLP interventions to improve expository language and learning for later elementary and secondary grade students. A small team of dedicated graduate and undergraduate students help carry out this work. Responsibilities might include: collecting data from study participants, administering and scoring assessments; conducting language sample transcription and coding; evaluating treatment fidelity and testing reliability, setting up online surveys, or entering data and managing records. Some students turn their work into theses and projects that they present at conferences or that form part of scholarly articles and research publications. No matter the task, everyone contributes to the advancement of knowledge and improvement of practice in speech-language pathology!

Lab Director

Teresa Ukrainetz

Teresa Ukrainetz

Professor | Assistant Department Head & SLP Division Chair

Phone: 435-797-1384

Six lab team members Dr. Ukrainetz and her 2022-23 USU undergraduate and graduate student research team.

Students presenting a poster at conference Presentation at ASHA 2022 with the research team from USU, University of Wyoming, and Florida State University!
