Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) Admissions

  • Checklist to Complete Secondary Teacher Education Program
  • For STEP admissions, students may apply when they have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours including an English Composition course (C+ or better) and three breadth courses (C or better); be in Good Academic Standing at USU (2.0 cumulative GPA); and have a cleared background check through the Utah State Board of Education (BCI/FBI). All STEP coursework will require a grade of C or better.
  • Foreign Language majors/minors-must pass the Oral Proficiency Interview. See your languages advisor for information.
  • STEP Application (PDF) Return to TEAL Advisor with proof of cleared background check and Secondary Education listserv subscription.
  • STEP Application Upload
  • Background Check Procedures
  • Subscribe to the Secondary Education listserv.