Transfer Student Information

An important message for transferring students, and student changing majors, who plan to complete secondary teacher license

USU has articulation agreements with many institutions that make transfers very smooth. There are a few additional things to think about when you plan to graduate with Secondary Teacher Licensure.

If you are planning to transfer to USU:

Tell your present advisors that you need their help in contacting the departments of your teaching major (and minor, if necessary) at USU so that you can be assigned advisors at USU. Contact your USU department advisors and arrange to meet with them in the near future to discuss major requirements, your General Education work, and course transfers.

If you are a USU student, and plan to change your major to an approved teaching major:

Meet with advisors in the department of your chosen teaching major as soon as possible to be sure you meet the requirements for admission to the teaching major, and to have previous courses evaluated for the new major and for any changes to your graduation requirements.

Obtain an Application for Admission to Teacher Education from your teaching major advisor, and begin completing the requirements. Some of the requirements may only be completed during certain times or by appointment.

Please take time to read all of this material and follow directions to obtain graduation and licensure. You will graduate from the department of your selected teaching major or composite. You will begin teacher licensure courses in the School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) after all of the following steps are completed.

Step 1: Do the following

As a secondary school teacher, you will be licensed to teach subjects in grades 6-12. Think about what subjects you intend to teach, then carefully go over the list of approved teaching composites, majors and minors listed below. When you apply for admission to USU you must declare a teaching composite major, or a teaching major or minor that appears on this list. Try to find one or more composites, majors and minors on the list that you may be interested in, and that match the subjects you want to teach. If you select a single-subject teaching major, you may also decide to select a teaching minor. Go over the list below, then go to step 2.

Approved Teaching Composites, Majors and Minors


Step 2: Meet with advisors

The list below has the names of the advisors associated with each of the majors and minors you have chosen. Contact the designated advisor in each department and ask for all of the department information on the composite, major or minor. Arrange to meet with the advisors to go over the requirements for the teaching majors and minors you have selected. After you have chosen your major, be sure to declare that major on your Application for Admission to the university, or if you have already been accepted, notify the Admissions Office of your declared major. If you will be attending new student orientation, you will meet with your advisors during the orientation and will not have to arrange a separate meeting. After finding your advisors from the list, go on to Step 3 below.

Academic Advisors for Secondary Teacher Preparation

Step 3: Read

Read all the information on this website over the next few weeks, especially the information on the requirements for admission to Teacher Education, and the Application for Admission to Teacher Education. Meet with your advisor at least once every semester.

Plan to come to USU one or more times during your Freshman and Sophomore years and meet directly with advisors in your teaching major and minor. It is much better to get a list of courses to take at your present college that you know will transfer, rather than take courses you hope will transfer.