Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program
The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTS Arts) places arts educators in over 450 elementary schools throughout Utah. The program operates under the direction of the Utah State Board of Education through legislative funding. The arts educators collaborate with classroom teachers to provide exceptional arts instruction. Utah State University provides professional development training for the arts educators and school faculties in our BTS Arts area schools. Professional development is also provided by the BTSArts statewide University network–University of Utah, Weber State University, Southern Utah University, Brigham Young University, Dixie State University, and Westminster College.
Partner Schools/Universities
Arts Are Core works in partnership with the following schools to provide quality arts integrated professional development support.
Box Elder School District
- Golden Spike Elementary
- Three Mile Creek
- Century Elementary
- North Park Elementary
Logan City School District
- Adams Elementary
- Hillcrest Elementary
- Wilson Elementary
Charter Schools
- Bear River Charter
- CCID: The Center for Creativity, Innovation and Discovery
- Edith Bowen Laboratory School
- Promontory School of Expeditionary Learning
San Juan School District
- Tse'bii'nidzisgai Elementary
Cache County School District
- Birch Creek Elementary
- Greenville Elementary
- Canyon Elementary
- Cedar Ridge Elemetary
- Heritage Elementary
- Lewiston Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Mountainside Elementary
- Millville Elementary
- Nibley Elementary
- North Park Elementary
- Providence Elementary
- River Heights Elementary
- Summit Elementary
- Sunrise Elementary
- Wellsville Elementary
- White Pine Elementary