Arts Are Core
Arts Are Core provides professional development opportunities supporting BTS Arts schools’ implementation of the collaborative arts integration teaching model. The program provides year-round professional learning opportunities in arts integration for K-12 teachers, instructional coaches, arts educators, and USU students. Professional development is also provided by the BTS Arts statewide University network – University of Utah, Southern Utah University, Brigham Young University, Dixie State University, Weber State University, and Westminster University.

The mission of Arts Are Core is to increase the quality and quantity of arts learning experiences for elementary students and teachers in the USU service area by focusing on four key areas:
BTS Arts Partnership
Mentor BTS Arts educators in the USU service region (Cache County, Logan, Box Elder, Rich, San Juan and Daggett counties).Pre-service Learning
Deliver practicum-style arts integration courses to all elementary education majors at Utah State University.Professional Development
Provide professional learning opportunities to teachers, administrators, arts educators, and pre-service teachers in the USU service region which model high quality arts integration.Community Projects
Facilitate opportunities for BTS Arts educators and pre-service teachers to offer community-based projects and events to elementary students and families on-site at any of the local schools or districts and/or on the USU campus.Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program

The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTS Arts) provides arts-integrated instruction to elementary students, effectively increasing student performance in language arts, social studies, math and science. The program is currently in 400 elementary schools in Utah, 34 school districts (including 16 charter schools) and is serving approximately 202,800 students. BTS Arts places an arts educator (trained in visual art, dance, music or theater) in elementary schools to work collaboratively with classroom teachers to deliver quality, sequential, and developmental arts instruction in alignment with the state Fine Arts Core Standards. BTS Arts operates under the direction of the Utah State Board of Education through legislative funding.