Arts Are Core Conference 2021
Arts Are Core: Building Community
August 4, 2021
8:15 am—2:30 pm
Online Conference
A professional development arts integration conference for classroom teachers, arts educators, principals, school district administrators, teaching artists, and partnering arts organizations.
CEU credit, SUU Academic Credit, and Relicensure points available!
Arts Are Core presents an online conference experience with hands-on arts integration workshops in visual art, dance, music, drama, and poetry. Participate in teacher-created workshops and engaging presentations centered around our conference theme, Building Community. Participants will chat with presenters and fellow educators throughout the conference, walking away with enriched lesson plans connected to core curriculum, including downloadable resources to start the coming school year with creativity and energy!
Keynote Presenter: Glenis Redmond, Award-Winning Poet and Kennedy Center Teaching Artist

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked the mole.
“Kind,” said the boy.
"Charlie Mackesy offers inspiration and hope in uncertain times in this beautiful book based on his famous quartet of characters. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse explores their unlikely friendship and the poignant, universal lessons they learn together. "In a 2018 Tedx Talk, artist Charlie Mackesy challenges us to abandon the idea of being good at art. Instead have the courage to draw, sing, play from your heart, from your emotions. And if we do this together, we build connections, we start communicating, we start belonging, we start to have a community. This book among others will be referenced throughout the conference by several of our presenters.
Image extracted from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy.