How to Apply for Student Teaching

Applications for student teaching for students must be completed in the semester PRIOR to student teaching. Applications to student teach for elementary in Fall are due February 15, and to student teach in Spring are due September 15. Applications to student teach for secondary in Fall are due March 1, and to student teach in Spring are due October 1. The application process must be completed well in advance. It is wise for potential student teachers to begin the application process early.


To be completed prior to submitting a student teaching application

  • Admitted to teacher education
  • Professional education courses
    • ELED majors, must earn B- or above for each class
    • SCED majors, must earn C or above for each class
  • Major courses 
    • ELED majors, must earn B- or above for each class
    • SCED majors, must earn C or above for each class
  • Current background check
  • Pass the appropriate PRAXIS exam. Please contact your advisor for current PRAXIS requirements. 

Supporting Documentation

  • Resume - You can find resources and examples of professional resumes on the USU Career Services webpage. You will submit your resume to your mentor teacher and principal once you have been placed for student teaching, so please use this as an opportunity to showcase your professionalism and experience.
  • Advisor Approval Form - Make an appointment with your advisor and fill out the following form:
  • PRAXIS Scores - Submit a copy of ALL pages of your praxis scores
  • Complete the USBE Ethics Review - visit the website

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the director of Field Experiences, Sharla Hart, at or 435-797-2222.

Criminal Background Check

It is your responsibility to inform the Office of Field Experiences if you have been arrested or convicted of violating any law except minor traffic violations while you are a student in the program. Failure to disclose this information may affect your current status in your student teaching program.

To Apply for Student Teaching click the following button:

Apply Now