Recruitment flyer for mentors
Recruitment Flyer

Are you interested in mentoring Latinx high school students so they are inspired to enter and thrive in college? Would you like to participate in a meaningful service opportunity that will help you to build your resume?

If so, then you might be interested in participating in a research study (IRB #12189) being conducted by Dr. Colby Tofel-Grehl ( or 435-797-1342) and Dr. Sarah Braden ( in the College of Education and Dr. Alfonso Torres-Rua (; 435-797-0397) in the College of Engineering. 

The purpose of this study is to explore whether Latinx high school youth who attend an after-school program, and who are supported by excellent mentors, identify more strongly with engineering. 
To participate in this study, you must have taken at least two science or engineering courses at Utah State. You may not participate in this study as a mentor if you have a criminal record. 
The time commitment for this study includes an estimated minimum of 17 hours, including time spent in professional development on how to work with high school youth; attending at least five sessions of the after-school program for high school students; and three interviews. 

Light refreshments will be provided during the after-school program and the professional development sessions. Additionally, you will receive $1000 for full participation in this study for each year that you participate. 

If you are interested in learning more about this study, please contact Dr. Colby Tofel-Grehl, who will set up a time to meet with you through Zoom or on campus so you can learn more about the study and decide if you want to participate. She can be reached through phone at 435-797-1342 or by email at



Online Professional Development

Here, you will learn how to actively engage high school students' funds of knowledge, learn about asset-based mentoring, understand the lessons overview, and explore your role in each of those lessons. This will also serve as the hub for signing up for scheduling interviews and in-person sessions for professional development.

In-Person Professional Development

We invite you to participate in our in-person professional development session. This is a unique opportunity for mentors to collaborate and practice innovative ways to mentor high school students in the context of our engineering projects. Each in-person professional development session will last one hour.

Complete a Background Check

In order to participate in our program, you must complete and pass a background check through Utah State University.


During the implementation of our project, you will mentor our student participants. Providing them professional guidance on not only their engineering projects, but future goals and career paths. You will build relationships with these students, learn and foster their many assets, and teach them about the more humanistic aspects of engineering for a minimum of two class sessions.


As a part of your participation, you will be interviewed three times during your mentoring journey. The first interview will take place before you begin mentoring, the second in the middle of your mentoring experience, and the last will be after you have completed at least two sessions.