Suzie Jones

School of Teacher Education and Leadership


Suzie Jones

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 380
Phone: 435-797-1568
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Educational Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2008
The Pluto Debate: Influence of Emotions on Belief, Attitude, and Conceptual Change
MS, Teaching and Learning, University of Utah, 2002
Toward Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms: Exploring the Academic Discourse of Single Parent, Working-Class Families
BS, Elementary Education, University of Utah, 2000
Other, Level II Reading, State of Utah


Suzanne H. Jones received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her research interests include hope as a motivational factor of learning, collective classroom efficacy, teacher efficacy, conceptual change, and emotions in learning. She has published her research in tier one journals including Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Teacher Education, and Reading Research Quarterly.

Teaching Interests

Educational Psychology, Emotions and Learning, Motivation, Adolescent Literacy

Research Interests

Hope; Self-efficacy; Collective classroom efficacy; Teacher collective efficacy; emotions; motivation; conceptual change learning


McGraw-Hill Distinguished Scholar Award, 2020

Conference for Academic Research in Education

Graduate Mentor of the Year, 2019

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Founders Award, 2015

Southwest Consortium for Innovations in Psychology in Education

Division C. New Faculty Mentoring Program Participant, 2011

American Education Research Association

Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2009

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education

First Place, Graduate & Professional Student Association Research Forum, 2008

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Honorable Mention, Graduate & Professional Student Association Research Forum, 2007

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education

President's Graduate Fellowship, Nominee, 2007

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Educational Psychology Department

Second Place, Graduate & Professional Student Association Research Forum, 2006

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Third Place, Graduate & Professional Student Association Research Forum, 2005

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Scholarship, 1999

Phi Kappa Phi

Scholarship, 1999

Steffenson Cannon

Member, 1998

Golden Key National Honor Society

Member, 1998

Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society

Scholarship, 1998

T. H. Bell

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Jones, S., (2022). Strategies and Challenges to Teaching for Conceptual Change Learning. : Theory to practice: Educational psychology for teachers and teaching, Teaching Learning for Effective Instruction (vol. 3). American Educational Researchers Association
  • Nordick, S., Jones, S., Putney, L.G, (2019). Urban teacher collective efficacy through facilitative leadership: An illustrative dialogue: Building upon inspirations and aspirations with hope, strength, and courage: Tomorrow's leaders in schools and communities. Roman & Littlefield
  • Jones, S., Sinatra, G., (2010). Text in the science classroom: Promoting engagement to facilitate conceptual change: Bringing reading research to life: Essays in honor of Isabelle Beck. The Guilford Press *
  • Jones, S., (2007). Emphasizing the value of commercially developed science curriculum: Teaching science to every child: Using culture as a starting point. Routledge Publishing

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Longhurst, M., Jones, S.H, Campbell, T.D, (2022). Mediating influences in professional learning: Factors that lead to appropriation & principled adaptation . Professional Development in Education, doi: doi: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1879220
  • Jones, S.H, Putney, L.G, (2021). Great minds think alike, or do they? Juxtaposing contextual and peripheral perspectives on data. Educational Research: Theory and Practice, 32:1, 109-114.
  • Anderson, D.B, Jones, S., Putney, L.G, Longhurst, M., (2019). Collective class actualization: Efficacy-based dynamic equilibrium in the classroom. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 13:4, 289-304.
  • Putney, L.G, Jones, S., (2019). Introduction to the special issue on fostering collective and self-efficacy: Examining new directions in efficacy in education. . Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research , 13:4, 231-233.
  • Nordick, S., Putney, L.G, Jones, S., (2019). The principal’s role in developing collective teacher efficacy: A cross-case study of facilitative leadership. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research , 13:4, 248-260.
  • Jones, S., Putney, L.G, (2019). “Just the beginning of something great”: A telling case of the reciprocity of action-based hope and collective classroom efficacy. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research , 13:4, 234-247.
  • Anderson, D.B, Jones, S., Putney, L.G, Longhurst, M., (2019). Collective class actualization: Efficacy-based dynamic equilibrium in the classroom. . Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research , 13:4, 289-304.
  • Jones, S.H, Campbell, B.D, Villanueva, I., (2019). An investigation of self-efficacy and topic emotions in entry-level engineering design learning activities. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35:1A, 1-10.
  • Villanueva, I., Campbell, B.D, Raikes, A., Jones, S., Putney, L., (2018). A multimodal exploration of engineering students' emotions and electrodermal activity in design activities. Journal of Engineering Education, 107:3, 414-441. doi: DOI:10.1002/jee.20225
  • Nadelson, L.S, Heddy, B.C, Jones, S., Taasoobsharazi, G., (2018). The dynamic model of conceptual change (DMCC): Holistic conceptual change in science teaching and learning. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 7:2, 151-195. doi: 10.17583/ijep.2018.3349
  • Collette, J.P, Jones, S., (2020). Empathic concern and perspective taking: A tale from middle school history.. Social Studies Research and Practice, 15:2, 233-245.
  • Villanueva, I., Jones, S., Putney, L., Campbell, B., (2018). Puzzling the pieces: conceptual blocks of engineering student ideas in a service learning project. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34:1, 56-68.
  • Longhurst, M., Jones, S., Campbell, D.T, (2017). Factors influencing teacher appropriation of professional learning focused on the use of technology in science classrooms.. Teacher Development, 21:3, 365-387.
  • Nadelson, L., Jones, S.H, (2016). One mission, two systems, and a big gap: The interaction of K-12 and post-secondary educators to support common core state standards. , 29:1, 76-98.
  • Loyens, S., Jones, S.H, Mikkers, J., van Gog, T., (2015). Complex problems as facilitators of conceptual change. Learning and Instruction
  • Jones, S., Sinatra, G., Nussbaum, E., (2013). “Pluto has been a planet my whole life!” Emotions, attitudes, and conceptual change in elementary students learning about Pluto’s reclassification. Research in Science Education, 43:2, 529-550. doi: 10.1007/s11165-011-9274-x
  • Sinatra, G., Jones, S., (2011). Bridging comprehension and conceptual change: The promise of refutational text. Reading Research Quarterly, 46:4, 374-393. doi: 10.1002?RRQ.005
  • Putney, L., Jones, S., (2011). Developing collective classroom efficacy: The teacher’s role as community organizer. Journal of Teacher Education, 62:1, 93-105. doi: 10.1177/0022487110381760
  • Putney, L., Jones, S., (2010). Developing teacher efficacy through reflective practice: A Vygotskian perspective. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, 17, 4-17.
  • Jones, S., Sinatra, G., Reynolds, R., (2010). The nature of the refutation text effect: An investigation of attention allocation. The Journal of Educational Research, 103, 407-423. doi: 10.1080/00220670903383101

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


TEAL 2660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2023
TEAL 2660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2023
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2023
TEAL 2660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Spring 2023
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2023
TEAL 2660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2022
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2022
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2022
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2021
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2021
TEAL 3660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2020
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2020
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2020
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2020
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2020
TEAL 3660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2019
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2019
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2018
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2018
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2018
TEAL 3660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2017
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2017
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2017
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2017
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2017
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2017
TEAL 3660 - Educational Psychology for Teachers, Fall 2016
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2016
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2016
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2016
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2016
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Fall 2015
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2015
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2015
TEAL 7322 - Research in Literacy, Spring 2015
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2015
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Fall 2014
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2014
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2014
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2014
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2014
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2014
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2013
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2013
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2013
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2013
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Fall 2012
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Fall 2012
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2012
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2012
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2012
TEAL 7310 - Teaching-Learning Foundations in Education, Spring 2012
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Spring 2012
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Fall 2011
EDUC,PSY 6600 - Research Design and Analysis I, Summer 2011
TEAL 6190 - Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching, Summer 2011
ELED 4030 - TCH LANG/PRACT III (CI), Spring 2011
ELED 4030 - TCH LANG/PRACT III (CI), Spring 2011
ELED 4030 - TCH LANG/PRACT III (CI), Spring 2011
ELED 4030 - TCH LANG/PRACT III (CI), Spring 2011
EDUC 6600 - Research Design and Analysis, I, Fall 2010
TEAL 6340 - Understanding and Supporting Adolescent Literacy Development, Fall 2010
EDUC 6550 - Research for Classroom Teachers, Summer 2010

Graduate Students Mentored

Lorissa Nelson, Teacher Education & Leadership, December 2023
Brad Dutson, Teacher Education & Leadership
Matthew Huffaker, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2022
Clayton Christensen, Teacher Education & Leadership
Jacob Earnest, Teacher Education & Leadership
Lori Qian, Teacher Education & Leadership
Michael Walker, Teacher Education & Leadership, April 2017
Victor Larsen, Teacher Education & Leadership, January 2015
Don Mendenhall, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2019 - December 2023
Nathan Meidell, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2017 - June 2022
Sydne Schoepf, Teacher Education & Leadership, September 2014 - May 2020
Donny Anderson, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2016 - April 2019
Jared Collette, Teacher Education & Leadership, February 2016 - January 2019
Sally Brown, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2015 - March 2018
Shelley Nordick, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2012 - July 2017
Max Longhurst, Teacher Education & Leadership, August 2012 - April 2015
Seth King, Teacher Education & Leadership - May 2013