RSA Scholarship

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) within the U.S. Department of Education awards grants to colleges and universities for providing scholarship assistance to students.

  • USU Currently has one RSA grant (Grant# H129B190009, 2019-2024). Scholarships can be awarded to master’s students and certificate students.
  • RSA Scholarships have already been awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year.


How to Apply

Students interested in scholarships should apply directly to the college or university program. Please contact Kris Wengreen for an application (, 435-797-3246).

Service Obligation (payback)

Students who receive scholarships under this program are required to work within the public rehabilitation program, such as with a state vocational rehabilitation agency, or an agency or organization that has a service arrangement with a state vocational rehabilitation. The student is expected to work two years in such settings for every year of full-time scholarship support.