
Housing & Financial Counseling

Housing and Financial Counseling (HFC) follows a national counseling and educational model to provide services to residents in Utah and Southern Idaho. HFC focuses on empowerment through education in housing and finance, and works to promote the dignity of every individual. HFC is a US Department of Housing and Urban Development approved housing counseling agency that offers pre- and post-purchase educational workshops and individualized counseling.

Services Provided

  • Mortgage default counseling
  • Loss mitigation negotiation
  • Reverse mortgage counseling
  • Rental counseling
  • Budgeting
  • Credit management
  • Debt reduction
  • Risk management
  • Saving for a home


Monday–Thursday: 8:30 am–8:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am–4:30 pm
Saturday–Sunday: CLOSED


To schedule an appointment or for any questions regarding services, please contact the Behavioral Health Clinic:

 HUD-Approved Housing Counseling seal

Workshops & One-on-one Sessions Provided

Clearing Financial Hurdles Workshop

Come join us for a two-hour interactive workshop that will help strengthen your financial muscles. Topics include Money Management, Navigating Financial Obstacles, Accessing Community Resources, and Increasing Financial Well-Being. Housing and financial counseling services are available to Cache, Box Elder, and Rich county residents.


Sorenson Center for Clinical Excellence
Room 150


Pricing starts at $15 for Early Registration, or $30 at the door (per household, 2 people max). 

Register Online

2024 Workshop Dates Times
February 1 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
March 7 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
April 4 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
June 6 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
August 1 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
September 5 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
October 3 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
November 7 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
December 5 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Home Buyer Education Workshop

This workshop was developed to educate first time homebuyers about the home purchasing process. This education will help them better understand each step in the process and gain confidence in their home buying decisions. Certificates of completion may be used to qualify for first time homebuyer financial assistance programs. Housing and financial counseling services are available to Cache, Box Elder, and Rich county residents.

Variety of presenters including realtors, mortgage lenders, insurance agents, and housing counselors. Topics include budgeting, credit, evaluating housing needs, working with a realtor, mortgage sustainability, mortgage products, closing costs, and borrower obligations.


Sorenson Center for Clinical Excellence
Room 150


Workshops are provided free of charge. Space is limited.


To register for the Home Buyer Education workshop, please call 435-797-7224.

2024 Workshop Dates Times
January 13 10:00 am–6:00 pm
February 3
10:00 am–6:00 pm
March 2
10:00 am–6:00 pm
April 13
10:00 am–6:00 pm
May 11 10:00 am–6:00 pm
June 1
10:00 am–6:00 pm
July 13
10:00 am–6:00 pm
August 3
10:00 am–6:00 pm
September 7
10:00 am–6:00 pm
October 12
10:00 am–6:00 pm
November 9
10:00 am–6:00 pm
December 7
10:00 am–6:00 pm

Money Management Counseling Sessions (one-on-one)

Financial Management counseling provides basic financial management and credit management education to households (homeowners and renters) who may be experiencing financial distress. Factors discussed include: budgeting, savings, reducing expenses; credit history; and debt management.

To register, please call 435-797-7224 or email


Behavioral Health Clinic
Sorenson Center


Each session will cost $15.Fees are paid at the time of the counseling session.

Reverse Mortgage Counseling Sessions (one-on-one)

Reverse mortgage counseling involves educating on conversion mortgages, evaluating other options for the client, and discussing factors that may influence the client’s decision. Factors discussed include: pros and cons of a reverse mortgage, product type, timing of the reverse mortgage, interest rates, planned or potential uses of the reverse mortgage funds, and choosing a lender.  After discussing the above information the clients are allowed to make educated decisions on their own.

To register, please call 435-797-7224 or email


Behavioral Health Clinic
Sorenson Center


Each session will cost $150. Fees are paid at the time of the session.

planning in a reverse mortgage session

Come attend our fair housing workshop to learn more about how you and your family are protected by state federal laws. The workshop will be held from 6-7 PM on April 9th via Zoom.

Find more information using this flyer. Register for the Fair Housing Workshop at




  • Tracking Worksheet

    The Tracking Worksheet provides a place to record all income and expenses. The information can be used to fill out the Income and Expense Statement.

  • Net Worth Statement

    The Net Worth Statement shows assets, liabilities, and net worth for one point in time. It provides information on what you own, what you owe, and the difference between the two. The Net Worth Statement can also show progress when done annually. It is necessary for the Financial Ratios.

  • Income and Expense Statement

    The Income and Expense Statement shows a picture of income and expenses for one time period. This statement uses one month as the time period. It reveals the ability to live within one's means. The Income and Expense Statement is necessary for the Financial Ratios.

  • Financial Ratios

    Financial Ratios are used as measurements of one's financial situation. They help individuals and families evaluate debt loads and adequacy of savings. Guidelines are given to help avoid financial problems. The Net Worth Statement and the Income and Expense Statement are necessary for the Financial Ratios.

  • Revolving Savings Account

    A Revolving Savings Account is used to cover irregular expenses that come throughout the year such as car registration, holidays, and more. The worksheet helps one gather information about irregular expenses and helps determine how much should be taken out of a monthly budget to cover these expenses.

  • Retirement Needs

    The Retirement Worksheet provides individuals an estimate of how much they will need to save by retirement and how much they need to save each year to reach that goal.

  • Life Insurance

    The Life Insurance Worksheet helps individuals decide if they need life insurance and if so, how much they need.

  • Goal Worksheet

    The Goal Worksheet provides space for short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. It helps individuals and families look at how much these goals will cost, when they are desired, and how they will be accomplished.

  • Budget Worksheet

    A budget can help individuals achieve their financial goals. The budget worksheet provides a column for the estimated or budgeted amount, the actual amount received or spent, and a column to see the difference between the budgeted and actual amounts.

If you or someone you know is facing challenges accessing financial counseling services due to a disability, impairment, or language barrier, there are various was to ensure support is available. USU Housing and Financial Counseling strives to be inclusive and accommodating. Reach out to USU Housing and Financial counseling directly at 435-797-7224 to discuss your specific needs and inquire about available accommodations.