Praxis Exam Pass Rate

In order to earn the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), all graduate students must take and pass the ETS Praxis examination in their area of expertise (e.g., speech-language pathology, audiology). In order to qualify for teacher licensure, students graduating from the Master of Education (MEd) program must pass the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT). The department maintains a record of Praxis pass rates.

Main Campus Resident SLP Praxis Exam Pass Rates
Period Number of Students Taking The Exam Number of Students Passed Pass Rate
2022/2023 18 18 100%
2021/2022 19 19 100%
2020/2021 19 19 100%
3 year average 100%
Outreach Distance SLP Praxis Exam Pass Rates
Period Number of Students Taking The Exam Number of Students Passed Pass Rate
2022/2023 7 7 100%
2021/2022 3 3 100%
2020/2021 5 5 100%
3 year average 100%
AuD Praxis Exam Pass Rates
Period Number of Students Taking The Exam Number of Students Passed Pass Rate
2022/2023 7 6 86%
2021/2022 5 4 80%
2020/2021 6 5 83%
3 year average 83%
Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education Praxis Exam Pass Rates
Period Number of Students Taking the Exam Number of Students Passed Pass Rate
2020/2021 None    
2021/2022 6 5 83%
2022/2023 5 4 80%
2 year average 82%