Health Education and Promotion

Bachelor of Science

Students are taking a break at a café on the USU campus.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Education and Promotion prepares professionals to help individuals, groups, and communities to maintain or improve their health status. Students gain a strong foundation in both the biological and social sciences.

For more information visit the USU Degree Finder.

The USU Health Education and Promotion MPH in the Kinesiology and Health Science Department is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. This accreditation addresses the HEP MPH degree only. Other degrees and areas of study offered are not included in the unit of accreditation review. Please see the CEPH website to learn more about the applicant and accreditation process.

Accreditation Self-Study Accreditation Report

Bachelor Accreditation Notification


CEPH Accredited Master and Bachelor's Logo




Community and Public Health

This emphasis prepares students to work in clinical settings, nonprofit health entities, wellness centers, private industry, and federal, state, and local health organizations. Students learn to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate interventions aimed at protecting or improving the health of individuals, communities, and populations. Students in this emphasis are prepared to take the professional competency exam that leads to certification as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) through the National Commission on Health Education Credentialing.

Learn more about the Community Health Emphasis through the USU Catalog.

Health Science

This emphasis is for students who plan to pursue a form of advanced medical training and for students who are interested in working in a health or medical setting but are still exploring career options in those fields. In addition to a core of courses focused on health and wellness, this program gives students maximum flexibility to tailor their coursework to meet their specific career goals.

Learn more about the Health Science Emphasis through the USU Catalog.

Contact Information

Tom Dickey

Tom Dickey

Peer Advisor

Kinesiology and Health Science

Phone: 435-797-1278
Office Location: Advising - HPER 122; TA - HPER 154
Schedule an Appointment
Raquel Friddle

Raquel Friddle

Academic Advisor

Kinesiology and Health Science

Phone: 435-797-1278
Office Location: HPER 122D
Schedule an Appointment

Program Director

Phillip Waite

Phillip Waite

Associate Professor

Kinesiology and Health Science

Phone: 435-797-7217
Office Location: HPER 140

Admission Requirements

In addition to Utah State University’s admissions requirements, the health education and promotion program has additional requirements:

Freshmen: New freshmen admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission as health education and promotion majors.

Transfer Students: Transfer students from other institutions and students transferring from other USU majors need a 2.75 GPA for admission.

International students have additional admissions requirements.

Graduation Requirements

All graduates, regardless of the type of degree, must satisfy University Studies general education and depth education requirements.

  • Total credits: 120 credits minimum
  • Total credits C- or better: 100 credits
  • Upper-division credits (3000 level or above): 40 credits
  • USU credits (20 upper-division, 10 req. by major): 30 credits
  • USU gpa: 2.0 or better; Overall gpa: 2.75 or better

Program Requirements

There may be additional program requirements that students need to complete on a case-by-case basis. Meet with your advisor to discuss program requirements and your progress towards graduation.

Tracking Sheet - Community and Public Health

Tracking Sheet - Health Science