Arts Are Core Conference 2023

Arts are Core event poster

July 26, 2023
8:00 am—4:00 pm
In Person Conference at Utah State University

Announcement: Tickets are officially SOLD OUT for the 2023 conference! 

A one-day arts integration conference for K-6 classroom teachers, arts educators,
pre-service teachers, school administrators, teaching artists, and partnering arts organizations.

Utah State University Arts Are Core presents a one-day conference featuring keynote speaker Donna Washington (award winning master storyteller, artist educator & author) along with hands-on arts integrated workshops in visual art, dance, music, drama, and storytelling. Participants will experience teacher-created workshops and engaging presentations as guest presenters facilitate hands-on arts experiences integrated with content curriculum designed to stimulate arts rich learning at the elementary level. Each participant will walk away with engaging arts ideas, lesson plans, and resources to start the new school year with creativity and energy!

Relicensure Points and SUU Academic Credit Available

Keynote Presenter: Donna Washington, Master Storyteller, Artist-Educator, and Author 

Don't miss the special networking session after the conference! Located at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art on campus from 4:00-5:00pm. 

Need overnight lodging to accomodate your visit? Check out the Hampton Inn or University Inn! Book your room by July 7 to receive a discounted rate at either location. 

The conference will be held at Utah State University, in the Edith Bowen Laboratory School, 960 Aggie Blvd Logan, UT 84321. You will find signs pointing out the entrances on the north and south side of the building. Please park in the "Black Lot Parking" (Look for our signs!) A free parking pass can be printed HERE!


Book Cover

In a Jar

Every conference participant will receive a copy of the children's book, In a Jar, the book that inspired many of this year's workshops!

"Llewellyn, a little rabbit, is a collector. He gathers things in jars--ordinary things like buttercups, feathers, and heart-shaped stones. Then he meets another rabbit, Evelyn, and together they begin to collect extraordinary things--like rainbows, the sound of the ocean, and the wind just before snow falls. And, best of all, when they hold the jars and peer inside, they remember all the wonderful things they've seen and done. But one day, Evelyn has sad news: Her family is moving away. How can the two friends continue their magical collection--and their special friendship--from afar?"

Image extracted from In a Jar, by Deborah Marcero

Quotes from past conferences

Contact Us

Aurora Hughes Villa

Endowed Program Director for Elementary Arts Education

Maele Shakespear
Program Coordinator