Clinics & Programs

George S. & Dolores Dore’ Eccles Applied Neuroscience Clinic

Pediatric Audiology is a Sorenson Center entity and is located in the Early Childhood Education and Research Center directly west of the SCCE. It offers hearing services for newborns and individuals up to age 21 including early identification and intervention services for hearing loss.

Cochlear Implants is a Sorenson Center service and is located in the Early Childhood Education and Research Center directly west of the SCCE.The cochlear implant providers administer tests to determine if a cochlear implant is a good option for clients and conduct mapping for individuals who have implants.

Hearing and Balance offers comprehensive audiology services for adults including a wide range of services to identify and treat hearing loss. Evaluation of balance disorders is also conducted.

The Dennis G. Dolny Movement Research Suite is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to the study of human movement and its pathologies. The goal of the researchers working within the Movement Research Suite is to advance the knowledge of human movement for the purpose of improving the quality of life for individuals with movement dysfunction. 

Early Intervention Classrooms

The ASSERT preschool program (Autism Support Services: Education, Research and Training) is an early intensive behavioral intervention program for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ASSERT also providers outreach consultation to schools and families of children with ASD and related disorders. To help children with autism reach their potential, the program uses applied behavior analysis, in which children practice appropriate behaviors and receive positive reinforcement. 

The Up to 3 / ABC Classroom provides services to children from birth to three years of age. Most Up to 3 services are provided in families’ homes. The ABC classroom is housed within the Sorenson Center and is designed for children who are at risk for autism spectrum disorders. 

Arya M. Heravi Transition Services Clinic

Behavior Support Services provide assessment and intervention services to reduce challenging behavior and teach appropriate skills to individuals with serious challenging behavior (aggression, property destruction, or self-injury). Services include training and coaching of caregivers and other relevant individuals. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques are used in interventions.

Aggies Elevated is a federally designated Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) that offers a two-year certificate in Integrated College and Community Studies for young adults with intellectual disabilities. The certificate and curriculum have been approved by the Utah Board of Regents and Utah State University as a vocational program.  The Aggies Elevated program utilizes the Matt Hillyard Classroom.

Speech and Language Clinic

The Speech and Language Clinic provides a full range of evaluation and treatment services to children and adults. This may include augmentative and alternative communication, voice, resonance, accent modification, cognition, aural rehabilitation, and literacy, as well as feeding and swallowing training. 

Behavioral Health Clinic

ACT Guide is an online self-help program to foster emotional wellbeing and help individuals cope with mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and stress.

Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling a systematic process which assists persons with physical, mental, developmental, cognitive, and emotional disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in the most integrated setting possible through the application of the counseling process. Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling services within the Behavioral Health Clinic focus on evidence-based counseling services for adolescents and adults experiencing psychosocial and psychological issues related to chronic illness and disability.

Dietitian / Nutrition Services within the Sorensen Center are provided by a Registered Dietitian. Nutrition assessment and interventions will be conducted based on individual needs and concerns, utilizing a non-diet, Intuitive Eating, weight-inclusive approach. 

Housing and Financial Counseling consists of certified staff offering workshops and individual counseling opportunities to help all individuals, couples, and families work towards housing or financial management goals. Their personal financial consulting helps clients establish financial goals, create a customized spending plan, understand credit, and manage debt. The staff also offer workshops for first-time homebuyers and reverse mortgage counseling for senior homeowners.  

Integrated Assessment is composed of an interdisciplinary team of licensed professionals in the fields of psychology, speech-language pathology, social work, audiology, and occupational therapy. The team evaluates children, adolescents, and adults for a variety of developmental, behavioral, and academic concerns, and specializes in the assessment of possible autism spectrum disorder.

Marriage and Family Therapy provides therapy services for children, adolescents, individuals, couples, and families. Services focus on issues including mental health concerns, behavioral difficulties, life transitions, family crises, and relationship challenges. A variety of systemic approaches are used to address individual, couple, and/or family needs. 

Psychology and Counseling  provides intervention and assessment services to children, adolescents, families, and adults across four specialty services lines: Sexual and Gender Minority Support Services, Anxiety Specialty Services, Child/Adolescent Psychology Services, Adult Psychology Services, and  Assessment and Testing Services. Therapy services are provided to address issues such as: depression, anxiety (including OCD), adjustment issues, disruptive child behaviors, and parent-child relationship issues.  Assessment services are provided to evaluate ADHD, LD, and general psychological functioning.

Emma Eccles Jones Foundation Nursing Education Center Nursing Suite

The nursing suite includes four state-of-the-art simulation rooms equipped with high-fidelity mannequins to simulate various medical conditions. A classroom within the suite allows hands-on teaching and instruction with the nursing skills laboratory nearby. Nursing students benefit from the available technology that provides them with the ability to view previously recorded or live broadcasts of lectures and simulation training.