USU Nursing Programs Assessment Plan

The department of Nursing in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services is committed to educating safe, quality nursing students. The priorities of the department are guided by our mission statement, core values and accreditation recommendations. The program participates in assessment activities to ensure our mission is accomplished. All students in the Department of Nursing complete formative and summative assessments as part of each course offering.

Faculty meetings are held in the spring of each year in which discussions take place regarding course quality, instructional methods and curriculum needs. During the annual nursing faculty meetings, faculty review student learning outcomes for each of the nursing programs, as well as engage in course analysis, and review and update of the annual systematic plan of evaluation (SPE). The SPE contains specific, measurable expected levels of achievement; frequency of assessment; and appropriate assessment methods. Nursing’s concept-based curriculum, course concepts and exemplars are reviewed for relevance in current practice.

  • Course Evaluation: The foundation of a strong program is faculty/instructional staff who are qualified, competent and sufficient in number to provide excellent academic and clinical preparation. Each instructor and course are evaluated by students every semester.
  • Application Assignments: Class, lab, simulation and clinical assignments are given for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills required in professional settings. Examples of application assignments include clinical nursing skills pass-offs, simulation experiences to replicate clinical practices in a safe environment, facility-based clinical experiences, case studies, group work and active learning exercises in the classroom.
  • Course Based Objective Tests: Tests measure students' acquisition of factual knowledge and application of concepts and skills. Examples of objective tests include multiple choice, multiple answers, short answer and essay tests. In all nursing courses, student are expected that 80% or greater of students will earn a grade of B- or higher, demonstrating reasonable mastery of course content.
  • National Council Licensure Examination-RN and -PN (NCLEX): Annual pass rates are reviewed by nursing faculty. Results are considered during review of course content and delivery techniques in both didactic and clinical training settings. This review may result in decisions relative to changing course content, delivery approach and adapt improvements in clinical experiences and supervision.
  • Exit Survey: Graduating students are asked to participate in an Exit Survey (while participating in the nursing capstone course) where they rate their level of preparation with regard to end-of-program Student Learning Outcomes.
  • Employment Status: The Nursing program collects data on employment status of USU nursing students within their field after graduation.