By HDFS Undergraduate Committee | April 19, 2024

Rachel Hollingsworth graduated from the HDFS program in May 2020. Drawn to the program's focus on human development and family dynamics, Rachel found her passion in supporting others' growth and development. During her senior year practicum at a local high school counseling office, she discovered her affinity for working with people. This pivotal experience illuminated her career path, leading her to pursue a master's program in school counseling at USU. Now thriving as a Career Specialist at the Career Design Center at USU, Rachel reflects on her HDFS education, stating, "I'm grateful for the positive experiences that I had in HDFS; the program prepared me well for my graduate program and career."

Rachel's journey underscores the profound impact of experiential learning opportunities within the HDFS program. Her practicum experience at Mountain Crest High School provided invaluable connections, skills, and insights, shaping her career trajectory, and reinforcing her passion for supporting individuals in their career development. Reflecting on her coursework, Rachel acknowledges the diverse range of courses and engaging faculty that nurtured her growth and learning, equipping her with the knowledge and skills essential for her career path.

To aspiring HDFS students, Rachel offers invaluable advice: "Get involved and be open to new opportunities!" In her role as a Career Design Specialist and based on her own experience, Rachel emphasizes the importance of exploring various career pathways through informational interviews, job shadowing, volunteering, and internships. Rachel's story exemplifies the profound impact of the HDFS program in nurturing compassionate professionals dedicated to supporting individuals on their personal paths of growth and development.

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