May 6, 2017
Brenna Mantz

Dream comes true for Aggies Elevated grad

Brenna Mantz graduated from Utah State University with a Certificate of Integrated College & Community Studies on Saturday, May 6, 2017. The following Monday, she began working at the Center for Persons with Disabilities at USU as a part-time administrative assistant--her dream job. In August, she became a Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (URLEND) self-advocate trainee. Her part-time job became a full-time, benefitted position on November 1. Brenna lives in Logan with roommates.

“The best thing that happened to me because of Aggies Elevated is actually three things,” said Brenna. “I got my dream job working at Utah State University and got to graduate from college. I got to live in my dream town, which is Logan, Utah. And I made awesome friends and remember the memories I had made.”

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Aggies Elevated at Utah State University believes that all individuals, regardless of ability, have the right to meaning ful employment, lifelong learning, self-determination and full community inclusion. Utilizing the MyCLIMB (My Career Ladder to Independence, Maturity and Balance) person-centered planning model, Aggies Elevated students, along with invited family members and/or other stakeholders, will chart their own paths toward independence within an individualized framework of supports that identifies challenges, builds on individual strengths and encourages personal responsibility.