May 26, 2022
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Jenna Mosher with participants in the 2022 SILC Conference

     Our AmeriCorp VISTA Jenna Mosher attended the 2022 SILC (Statewide Independent Living Counsels) Conference. She was able to give her elevator speech about Aggies Elevated to the conference participants, which was a crowd of 80-100 people!
     Jenna shared her thoughts on the experience, saying, "The main focus of this conference was to find out what other states around the country are doing to help individuals with disabilities live more independent lives. (I loved) the experience of my first business trip and to represent Aggies Elevated. I really enjoyed the conference because there was a lot of diversity and a lot of new people to meet and connect with." 
     Independent living is an important focus in Aggies Elevated, so this was a great chance for Jenna to learn about the ideas from other states and bring them back for us to implement here at Aggies Elevated!