Logan Campus Admissions

Admission to the program occurs each fall, and students are admitted as part of an annual cohort.

Applications to the major (Logan campus) are due each year by February 1.

Requirements for Admission

  • 40 attempted hours (this means you will have 40 credits by the end of fall semester)
  • Cleared background check through Utah State Board of Education. Note:  the background check completed by districts for para educators does not meet this requirement.
  • 2.00 Minimum GPA

Complete the following by end of first Fall semester:

General Education Requirements
  • ENGL 1010 with grade of C+ or higher
  • BAI with grade of C or higher
  • BLS with a grade of C or higher
  • BPS with a grade of C or higher
  • HDFS 1500 (formerly FCHD 1500) with a grade of C or higher
  • Math Requirement
Math Requirements
  • Mild/Moderate and Severe emphasis need two of the following 3 math classes completed with a C- or higher by the end of Fall semester. The third class needs to be completed spring semester. The three classes are Math 1051 or 1050, Math 2010, and Math 2020.
  • Birth to 5 majors need only one math class – either Math 1051 or 1050 or STAT 1040 or 1045 or 1080 completed with a C- or higher.
Other Requirements
  • Write a one-page letter to the Admissions Committee: Why I want to be a special education teacher and why I think I will be a good special education teacher (500 words or less). Save as a PDF or Word document.
  • Background Check – complete the multi-step background check application process. A week after you get your fingerprints done, you will receive an email stating your background check has cleared. Save this email to submit as part of the application

Files to include in the Application

  • Proof of completed background check
  • Letter to the admissions committee

When you apply online, please make sure all your demographic information is correct. The admissions committee will use this information to communicate with you regarding your application.

Make sure you fill out the application for admission (not student teaching) and the application for special education (not elementary education or secondary education).

Criminal Background Check

It is your responsibility to inform the Department of Special Education if you have been arrested or convicted of violating any law except minor traffic violations while you are a student in the program. Failure to disclose this information may affect your current status in the Special Education Teacher Program.

Contact Information

Laura Parrish

Laura Parrish

Special Education Advisor

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Phone: 435-797-7575
Office Location: EDUC 371