ACT for USU Students

Our Services

  • Designed by psychologists at Utah State University, ACT Guide is an online self-help program that aims to foster emotional wellbeing and help individuals cope with issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. ACT Guide uses principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
  • There have been almost 1,000 randomized controlled trials showing the positive effects of using ACT for a wide range of mental health concerns (State of the ACT Evidence). ACT Guide programs are based on over a decade of research, development, and testing of self-guided mental health programs by the Utah State University ACT Research Group.
  • All USU students can use ACT Guide and its related services at no cost, including the full ACT Guide program, ACT Guide Lite (a short, single-session version of the program), and optional peer-support coaching to help students get the most out of ACT Guide.

How it Works: ACT Guide

ACT Guide is our flagship self-help program, intended to be completed over the course of a few months
  • ACT Guide is completed entirely online and is personalized to help you meet your specific mental health goals. You’ll learn skills to help you develop a healthier relationship with negative feelings, practice mindfulness, clarify what matters most to you, and set personal goals to keep yourself on the right track.
  • The program is divided into 12 self-guided modules that you can use whenever you want at whatever pace works well for you. We recommend spending around 30 minutes per module and trying one or two new modules per week.

How it Works: ACT Guide Lite

ACT Guide Lite is a single-session online self-help program, based on our full, 12-session ACT Guide program.

  • If you’re interested in ACT Guide but aren’t sure if you want to commit to the full program, ACT Guide Lite may be a good first step. For those who have already completed the 12-session ACT Guide, ACT Guide Lite can be a good way to review what you’ve learned in a briefer format.
  • ACT Guide Lite is completed entirely online and is intended to be done in one sitting. You can expect to spend around 45 minutes with the program.

How do I Sign Up?

  • To start using ACT Guide or ACT Guide Lite for free, simply click the sign-up link above and enter your A-Number and USU password. You’ll create a unique login for your selected program. After signing up, you’ll have access to the program for 6 months.
  • If you have any trouble signing up for any of our programs, please contact us at
  • See the following for our Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use.