Jenni Bair

Jenni Bair

Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
Behavioral Health Clinic


Jenni Bair is licensed as an Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor, a School Counselor, and a School Administrator in the state of Utah. She has her master's degree in School Counseling from Utah State University. Currently, Jenni is a clinician with the Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Center (CRCC) at the Sorenson Center.

Jenni is dedicated to helping people of all ages experience growth and peace through personal exploration and refining the skills of thoughtful communication, empathy, boundary setting, relationship building, and emotional regulation. Her clinical focus includes working with people of all ages and abilities; however, working with young adults, teens, and children brings her immense joy.


  • Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor (ACMHC) - Utah
  • Licensed School Counselor (CRC)

Education and Training

  • MS in School Counseling, Utah State University
  • BS in Music (Piano Performance), Brigham Young University - Idaho

Schedule an Appointment

Behavioral Health Clinic
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
