Travel Information & Requirements

Psychology Travel Forms

USU Psychology has an excellent tradition of traveling to present research. We encourage students, staff, and faculty to take these opportunities wherever possible! Funding may be available to you; contact and read the best practices linked below for more information.

Any travel for USU, whether you will be seeking reimbursement or not, must be recorded in ServiceNow. Please do all you can to submit a request for travel at least two weeks prior to the trip.



Student Travel Awards 

Department travel award scholarships are used to support students presenting research at professional conferences. These awards can be granted from the department a maximum of one-time per fiscal year (July - June) for the following amounts:

- $400 for International Travel
- $300 for National Travel
- $200 for Regional Travel

Undergraduate students and Graduate students may be eligible for travel funding. Requests for student travel awards may be submitted at any time. 


Travel Resources 

We want to ensure that the travel process goes as smoothly as possible. Be sure to review these helpful resources to prepare for your trip: