The Yoga Club is a bi-weekly meeting where students can participate in practices of yoga that may help reduce stress, anxiety, and offer strategies to help with everyday stresses of life. During club meetings, students will be taught yoga concepts which are then put into practice through physical movement and practical application.
Department Contact: Emily Perry, emily.perry@usu.edu
Student Contact: Alexus Jensen, alexusjensen_skates@yahoo.com

The purpose of the Recreation Administration Club is to provide majors and other interested students opportunities to meet on a regular basis to discuss professional opportunities related to internships, employment, conference attendance, etc. We also have socials on a regular basis and conduct community service and fundraising activities.
Department Contact: Jesse Jones, jesse.jones@usu.edu
Student Contact: Jacob Cooley, cooleyjake1999@gmail.com

A pre-professional club at Utah State University designed to provide interested students insights into the career of Physical Therapy. Each semester guest speakers and service projects related to the profession provide students opportunities to demonstrate their interest and commitment to the profession.
Department Contact: Chris Dakin, chris.dakin@usu.edu, and Jon Carey, jon.carey@usu.edu
Student Contact: Jared Webb, a02251022@usu.edu

A Pre-Professional club based out of Utah State University in Logan, Utah helping students gain a clear understanding of the field of OT, provide resources, knowledge, and events for the purposes of engaging students in meaningful, preparatory activities as they prepare for Grad-School in Occupational Therapy.
Department Contact: Raquel Friddle, raquel.friddle@usu.edu
Student Contact: Emily Brannon

The KHSSA is a student organization for undergraduate and graduate students in the Kinesiology and Health Science department. Activities include: learning more in kinesiology, health science, and recreation administration academic areas; professional development; networking and building connections with others at program, department, faculty, staff, student, and alumni level; mental and emotional well-being; and so much more.
Undergraduate Department Contact: Alice Kenley, alice.kenley@usu.edu
Graduate/General Department Contact: Melissa Johnson, melissa.johnson@usu.edu

Student Contact: Staci Fuller, a02408944@usu.edu