Student Highlight - Gwen Sepp

November 19, 2021
Sepp is biking

Gwendolyn Sepp, a Freshman Kinesiology major with an Exercise Science emphasis, earned fourth and a podium spot at the USU Cycling Collegiate Mountain Biking National Championships in Durango, Colorado on October 15, 2021. We followed up with Gwen to ask her a few questions.


What sparked your interest in Exercise Science?

My interest in Exercise Science was sparked by sport involvement, especially endurance sports where often the athlete needs to coach and train oneself for a portion of the year. After researching training, I decided I wanted to learn more.


Gwendolyn Sepp posing with other winners at the finish line

 What have you enjoyed about being here at USU and in the KHS department?

I am enrolled in the first KHS introductory course and a nutrition course where I have applied these resources into my training approach.


If you could go back, what advice would give your younger self?

Jokingly, I would cut my hair sooner. On a serious note, I would courage my younger self to try more sports. In my junior year, I began mountain biking.


How did you get involved in mountain biking?

My dad was the catalyst for mountain biking, with my full family participating.


Aggies posing on their bikes for a photo

How do you balance involvement in the club with your coursework?

The biggest thing for me is having a schedule laid out for each week that includes school (coursework), cycling training and living daily tasks to improve my efficiency.


What are your long-term goals?

I am interested in pursuing a professional cycling career and working towards my bachelor's degree in Kinesiology – Exercise Science with interests in starting my own business coaching endurance athletes


Special shoutout to Utah State University’s Cycling Club and Go Aggies!