Two KHS Students Receive Travel Awards from the American College of Sports Medicine

By Sara Harper | October 17, 2022

Liz Cafferty and Bonny Lu, graduate students in Kinesiology and Health Science at Utah State University, have been selected to receive competitive Conference Travel Awards from the Southwest chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (SWACSM). Both Liz and Bonny will present their research at the SWACSM conference this October. 

Liz Cafferty is a first-year graduate student in Kinesiology and Health Science. Her research focuses on the interaction between age and fatigue on antagonist muscle coactivation during recovery.

Liz looks forward to networking with others in similar programs and becoming more familiar with related research at the SWACSM meeting. She hopes to expand her knowledge of scientific dissemination so she can become a more effective student and teacher. “I believe the SWACSM conference will help develop my career in academia,” she said. “With its student focus, it will be an ideal first conference experience.”

Bonny (Hsuan) Lu is a second-year graduate student in Kinesiology and Health Science. Her research examines how reaction time is altered by anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. 

“My career goal is to become an applied sport scientist,” said Bonny. “Attending and presenting at the annual SWACSM meeting will help me further develop my passion for athletic research and its practical applications.” Bonny said that she feels the conference will help her develop practical knowledge to pass on to the athletes and coaches she will work with in the future.

Congratulations, Liz and Bonny!