Kolby Singleton

Kinesiology and Health Science

Outside Instructor

Kolby Singleton

Contact Information

Email: kolbysingleton34@gmail.com


My name is Kolby Singleton, and I teach racquetball, pickleball, and badminton at Utah State. I am a senior who is majoring is History and Political Science, with and emphasis in Education. I grew up playing racquetball with my dad, and then started playing pickleball and badminton my freshman year of college. I love playing all of these sports, as in my opinion it is the best way to relax, destress, and get some energy out in the craziness of college. This is why I loved taking these classes before I started teaching them, as they gave me a break from studying to run around and smack a ball/birdie. One of the things I love about teaching these courses is seeing students get super competitive and passionate about the sport, when a few months prior they had never even touched a racquet. My favorite thing is every semester, all of my classes (but especially my badminton classes) look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that these sports are super intense, but then by the first in class tournament everyone is super out of breath because they are playing so hard.