Emilio Navarrete

Kinesiology and Health Science

Graduate Assistant

Emilio Navarrete

Contact Information

Office Hours: Tues & Thur 8:30 - 10:30 am
Office Location: HPER 111
Email: emilio.navarrete@usu.edu


Hello! I am Emilio Navarrete. I am originally from a small town in Southern Missouri. (West Plains) I came to Utah State as an undergraduate student. I graduated in Spring of 2021 in Physical Education. For the past two years I have been teaching junior high PE and Health. I am now pursuing my masters in Sports Management. I am passionate about athletics and coaching. I will be teaching beginners Pickleball and Basketball this fall as well as being a Teaching Assistant for Principles of Fitness (KIN3000). I love Utah State. Logan has become a second home to me. I hope to pursue a career in collegiate or professional athletics, specifically in coaching or scouting.