David Bolton

Kinesiology and Health Science

Associate Professor

David Bolton

Contact Information

Office Hours: Tues 9:00 - 11:00 am
Office Location: SCCE 483
Phone: 435-797-7329
Email: dave.bolton@usu.edu
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Neuroscience, University of Alberta, 2009
Reactive balance control during locomotion
MS, Exercise and Sport Science, University of Florida, 2003
Treatment duration and efficacy of coupled motor recovery protocols
BS, Human Kinetics, University of Guelph, 1996

Licensures & Certifications

CITI Training: Social & Behavioral Research Modules - Stage 2 - Refresher Course, Utah State University, 2019


As an assistant professor in KHS I currently run my own 'Perception-Action' Laboratory where I supervise a postdoctoral researcher and several graduate and undergraduate students on research projects. After receiving my BSc in Human Kinetics (University of Guelph, Canada) I obtained my Master’s degree in Exercise and Sports Sciences (University of Florida, USA) where I studied upper limb motor recovery in stroke patients. I then completed my PhD degree in Neuroscience (University of Alberta, Canada) using both animal and human models to study balance regulation during walking. Following the PhD, I completed over three years of postdoctoral training at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada) where I helped develop a model to study cortical contributions to human balance. During this time, I also studied how the prefrontal cortex (an area critical for executive function) modifies sensory transmission according to task demands. Notably, my research into balance control has encompassed wide-ranging perspectives in an attempt to understand this complex and distributed form of sensorimotor control. Prior to starting my faculty position at Utah State University, I was a research fellow at Queens University Belfast (Belfast, United Kingdom) where I investigated neural adaptations that underlie motor learning, specifically addressing how these adaptations change with an aging nervous system. My research over the past 20 years has provided insight into the neural control of balance and offered a greater understanding of how the nervous system is transformed by purposeful motor practice. My research program is currently funded by a National Institute on Aging R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant 1R21AG061688-01 (Title: Before the Fall: Anticipatory Brain Roles in Reactive Balance Control). I belong to the Society for Neuroscience.

Teaching Interests

Neuroscience; Motor control

Research Interests

Neural control of balance


Discretionary Award for Exceptional Staff Performance, 2015

Queens University Belfast

    Publications | Book Chapters

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

    Professional Journal

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Other

      Magazine/Trade Publications

        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


        SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Fall 2023
        KIN 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2023
        KIN 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2022
        SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Fall 2021
        KIN 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2021
        PSY 7090 - Experimental and Applied Psychological Science Program Seminar, Fall 2020
        KIN 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2020
        PEP 4400 - Evaluation in Physical Education, Fall 2019
        SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Fall 2019
        PSY 7090 - Experimental and Applied Psychological Science Program Seminar, Spring 2019
        PEP 7910 - Independent Research, Spring 2019
        PEP 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2019
        , Fall 2018
        PSY 7090 - Experimental and Applied Psychological Science Program Seminar, Fall 2018
        PEP 6910 - Independent Research, Fall 2018
        PEP 7910 - Independent Research, Fall 2018
        PSY 7090 - Experimental and Applied Psychological Science Program Seminar, Spring 2018
        PEP 6910 - Independent Research, Spring 2018
        PEP 7910 - Independent Research, Spring 2018
        PEP 5900 - Independent Study, Spring 2018
        PEP 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2018
        PEP 5910 - Independent Research, Fall 2017
        PEP 6900 - Independent Study, Fall 2017
        SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Fall 2017
        PEP 6850 - Neural Aspects of Rehabilitation, Spring 2017

        Graduate Students Mentored

        Bonny Lu, Kinesiology and Health Science 2023
        Ezinne Abugu, Kinesiology and Health Science, January 2021 2022
        Youngwook Kim, Kinesiology and Health Science, August 2017 2021
        David Cole, Kinesiology and Health Science, December 2017 2020
        Derek England, Kinesiology and Health Science, January 2018 - May 2019
        Caleigh Goode, Kinesiology and Health Science, November 2017 - May 2019
        Elizabether Edwards, Kinesiology and Health Science, January 2017 - December 2018
        Haley Hayes, Kinesiology and Health Science, January 2017 - December 2018
        Doug McDannald, Kinesiology and Health Science, May 2017 - May 2018
        Casey McPherson, Kinesiology and Health Science, October 2016 - May 2018