Michaela Maughan

Parks and Recreation BS, 2018

Recreation Program Supervisor | Clearfield City Community Services | Clearfield, UT

Michaela Maughan

Contact Information

Email: michaela.maughan@clearfieldcity.org


I am passionate about recreation and creating opportunities for people to get outside and be a part of a community. I love creating programs and events that facilitate community building and sport. I am a recreation program supervisor that oversees 20 staff and multiple programs/events year round. I am a CPRP and a URPA leadership academy graduate.

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my time as a student:

The most meaningful thing to me was getting hands on experience with programs and events. I learned valuable lessons that I still use all the time in my position.

Advice for current students/recent graduates:

Get as much experience as you can! In different realms; aquatics, parks, recreation, events, finance. We need to have so many skills in the recreation profession, so having different knowledge has been the most beneficial thing to me. And don't be afraid to try new things!!