Bronco Hunter

Parks and Recreation BS, 2008 | Minor in Human Development

Assistant Director | Spanish Fork City | Spanish Fork, Utah

Bronco Hunter

Contact Information



My name is Bronco Hunter and I am an Aggie through and through! I graduated during the great recession and would have taken any job anyone offered me. Fortunately, Spanish Fork city took a chance on me and I have been here ever since. I began as a Program Coordinator and went back to grad school in 2011. I was able to continue working for Spanish Fork while I earned my Master in Public Administration from BYU. During that time I took a role as a Program Supervisor and today I am working as the Assistant Parks and Recreation Director. I am grateful for the opportunities USU, BYU and Spanish Fork have provided me with.

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my times as a student:

Seek out opportunities. Don't wait for them to come to you.

Advice for current students or recent graduates:

We live in a society that is always looking for the next best thing. Its not always greener on the other side. Slow and steady can still win the race!