McKell Christensen

Membership & Public Relations Manager | Utah Recreation and Parks Association | Layton, Utah

McKell Christensen

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I didn't know it at the time but I started my Parks & Rec Career at 15 years old, when I took a lifeguarding class to work with my friends! When graduated from USU with no idea my passion for aquatics could be a full time career that would be so rewarding and foster relationships and growth for years to come. After graduation I was hired as the Aquatic & Safety Manager at Weber State, then transitioned to community recreation at the Clearfield Aquatic and Fitness Center as an Aquatic Supervisor. I finished my tenure in Aquatics as the Aquatic Manager for Layton City. Life changes and I had the opportunity to combine my passion for marketing and love of parks & rec and I now have landed my dream job, as the Membership & Public Relations Manager for URPA. I oversee an organization full of the best our field has to offer. URPA offers multiple trainings each year, an online forum, and an annual conference. I think my boss says it best, we help difference makers, make a difference! Parks & Rec professionals impact their communities throughout life. It is the most rewarding and inspiring field to get to be a part of!

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my time as a student:

I learned that education and practical experience really make a difference in your career path. I was a little different major than most Parks & Rec professionals but due to my practical experience I have been really fortunate to have fantastic opportunities. Hard work, long hours and lots of fun pay off!

Advice for current students/recent graduates:

Be involved in as much as you can. Parks & Rec is all encompassing, so take advantage of it all. Also apply for a lot of scholarships.