Patrick Buhr

Parks and Recreation Management BS, 2017 | History BS, 2017

Park Manager/Law Enforcement Ranger | Utah State Parks | Kanab, UT Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park

Patrick Buhr

Contact Information



I wasn't a traditional student but it worked out in the long run. I graduated college on my 30th birthday and I had two kids by that time. I finished my course work and then did an internship with Utah State Parks in the main office in SLC, UT with the OHV Program (off highway vehicle). At the end of my internship State Parks was hiring 5 Law Enforcement Rangers and I decided to apply. I went through the process which consists of several tests, interviews, polygraph and phycological evaluation. I was able to get hired on and made it through the interview process and then went through the policy academy. I worked for about 2.5 years as a ranger and was promoted to Park Manager.

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my time as a student:

The importance and ability to network with other people/agencies. 

Advice for current students/recent graduates:

Branch out and try to do your work hours/internship in different places/fields.